How to Use the Command 'sport' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'sport' (with Examples)

The sport command is a powerful tool designed for managing SlackBuilds on Slackware systems. SlackBuilds are essentially scripts that automate the process of compiling and installing third-party software on Slackware. The sport command facilitates various tasks, from searching for available SlackBuilds to installing and managing these packages with ease. Below, we explore several use cases of the sport command with detailed explanations and practical examples to help you make full use of its capabilities.

Use Case 1: Pull the List of SlackBuilds to Run ‘sport’ for the First Time


sudo mkdir -p /usr/ports && sudo rsync -av rsync:// /slackbuilds/$(awk '{print $2}' /etc/slackware-version)/ /usr/ports/


When setting up a Slackware system for the first time, you need to initialize the system with the list of available SlackBuilds. This step is essential because it configures your system to know what packages can be built and installed. Running this command prepares your system by pulling the repository of SlackBuilds tailored to your Slackware version.


  • sudo mkdir -p /usr/ports: This part of the command creates the directory /usr/ports if it doesn’t already exist. The -p option ensures that no error is raised if the directory already exists, and any necessary parent directories are created.
  • sudo rsync -av: Invokes rsync, a fast and versatile file copying tool. The -a option refers to “archive mode,” which preserves permissions, times, symbolic links, and more. The -v option stands for “verbose” and provides progress in the terminal.
  • rsync:// This is the source from where the data is synchronized, essentially pointing to the repository.
  • /slackbuilds/$(awk '{print $2}' /etc/slackware-version)/: This dynamically determines the specific Slackware version by extracting the version information from the file /etc/slackware-version.
  • /usr/ports/: The destination directory where the SlackBuild files are copied.

Example Output:

receiving file list ... done
sent 389 bytes  received 1,677,224 bytes  182,934.31 bytes/sec
total size is 1,657,843  speedup is 0.99

Use Case 2: Pull in Any Updates to the System’s Tree via ‘rsync’


sudo sport rsync


Software repositories frequently receive updates, and keeping your SlackBuild tree updated is crucial for consistency, security, and access to the latest software. By regularly syncing with the main repository using this command, you ensure that you have the newest available SlackBuild scripts.


  • sudo: Executes the command with superuser privileges since updating system tools requires such privileges.
  • sport rsync: sport is invoked with the rsync subcommand, which updates your existing SlackBuild tree by synchronizing it with the main server.

Example Output:

Pulling latest SlackBuilds updates...
Updating finished successfully.

Use Case 3: Search for a Package by Name


sport search "keyword"


Before installing software, you may need to check if a SlackBuild exists for a specific package. This use case allows you to search the SlackBuild repository using a keyword, which can be the name of the software or related terms, aiding in finding the exact package you need or discovering alternatives.


  • sport: The base command to interact with SlackBuilds.
  • search: A subcommand used to trigger the search functionality within the SlackBuild repository.
  • "keyword": This is the search term or the package name you are looking for. It is enclosed in quotes to handle any special characters or spaces.

Example Output:

Searching for keyword 'keyword'...
Keyword Package: example-software - A description of example software

Use Case 4: Check if a Package is Installed


sport check package


Understanding whether a package is currently installed helps manage software and avoid redundant installations. This check tells you the package’s status on your system, saving time and resources.


  • sport: The command executed to interact with SlackBuilds.
  • check: The specific subcommand used to verify if a package is already installed.
  • package: Placeholder for the actual package name you wish to check.

Example Output:

Checking package status for 'package'...
Package 'package' is installed.

Use Case 5: Display README and .info Files of a Package


sport cat package


Before installing any package, it’s helpful to understand its documentation and metadata. This command displays the README and .info files, providing valuable insights like installation instructions, software dependencies, and package descriptions.


  • sport: The base command for working with SlackBuilds.
  • cat: A subcommand that displays the contents of the documentation files associated with the specified package.
  • package: The name of the package whose files you wish to read.

Example Output:

Displaying README and .info files for 'package'...
This package provides...


Use Case 6: Install a Package Once the Dependencies Are Resolved


sudo sport install package


After verifying package details and ensuring any dependencies are resolved, the next step is installation. This command compiles and installs the desired package, automating the complex build process and ensuring it is properly integrated within your system.


  • sudo: Runs the command with elevated privileges, necessary for installation.
  • sport install: Invokes sport with the install subcommand to manage the package installation.
  • package: Refers to the specific package you want to compile and install.

Example Output:

Resolving dependencies for 'package'...
Building and installing 'package'...
Installation completed successfully.

Use Case 7: Install a List of Packages from a File


sudo sport install $(< path/to/list)


In bulk software management, installing multiple packages from a predefined list is efficient. Utilizing this command, you can automate the installation process for an entire set of packages, which is especially helpful in configuring new systems or updating many applications at once.


  • sudo: Executes the command with superuser permissions.
  • sport install: Utilizes the install subcommand for batch operations.
  • $(< path/to/list): Command substitution technique that reads the contents of the specified file, where “path/to/list” is a placeholder path to your list file. The list should contain package names separated by spaces.

Example Output:

Reading package list from 'path/to/list'...
Installing packages: package1 package2 package3...
All packages installed successfully.


The sport command streamlines managing software installations through the SlackBuilds system on Slackware. From initializing your system with available builds to searching, verifying, and installing packages, sport provides users with a comprehensive suite of tools to efficiently handle software deployment and maintenance. By leveraging these use cases, you can enhance your mastery of software management on your Slackware system.

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