How to use the command sputoppm (with examples)

How to use the command sputoppm (with examples)

The sputoppm command is used to convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum image to a PPM image. It is a part of the Netpbm library and is typically used in image processing tasks.

Use case 1: Convert an SPU file to a PPM image


sputoppm path/to/input.spu > path/to/output.ppm

Motivation: You may want to convert an SPU (Atari uncompressed Spectrum image) file to a PPM (Portable Pixmap) image for further processing or viewing purposes. The sputoppm command provides an easy and efficient way to perform this conversion.


  • sputoppm: The command name to convert an SPU file to a PPM image.
  • path/to/input.spu: The path to the input SPU file that you want to convert.
  • >: The redirection operator to indicate that the output should be saved to a file.
  • path/to/output.ppm: The path to the output file where the converted image will be saved as a PPM file.

Example output: After running the command sputoppm path/to/input.spu > path/to/output.ppm, the SPU file located at path/to/input.spu will be converted to a PPM image and saved at path/to/output.ppm.


The sputoppm command is a handy tool for converting Atari uncompressed Spectrum images (SPU files) to PPM images. It provides a simple and efficient way to perform this conversion, allowing you to further process or view the converted images as needed.

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