How to use the command "sqsc" (with examples)

How to use the command "sqsc" (with examples)

The “sqsc” command is a command-line AWS Simple Queue Service client. It provides various functionalities to interact with AWS SQS queues using the command line. Whether you need to list queues, check messages in a queue, copy or move messages between queues, or perform other operations, “sqsc” has got you covered.

Use case 1: List all queues


sqsc lq queue_prefix

Motivation: You may want to list all queues in your AWS SQS account to get an overview of the available queues or check for queues with a specific prefix.


  • lq: This is the sub-command that specifies the action to list all queues.
  • queue_prefix: This is an optional argument that allows you to filter and list queues with a specific prefix.

Example output:

Queue 1: my-queue-1
Queue 2: my-queue-2
Queue 3: my-queue-3

Use case 2: List all messages in a queue


sqsc ls queue_name

Motivation: You might need to view all the messages present in a particular queue to inspect their content or check the status of the queue.


  • ls: This is the sub-command that specifies the action to list all messages in a queue.
  • queue_name: This is the name of the queue from which you want to list the messages.

Example output:

Message 1: Hello, world!
Message 2: This is a test message.
Message 3: Important notification.

Use case 3: Copy all messages from one queue to another


sqsc cp source_queue destination_queue

Motivation: If you need to duplicate the messages from one queue to another, this command can come in handy. It saves you from manually copying the messages one by one.


  • cp: This is the sub-command that specifies the action to copy all messages from one queue to another.
  • source_queue: This is the name of the queue from which you want to copy the messages.
  • destination_queue: This is the name of the queue where the messages will be copied.

Example output:

All messages from 'source_queue' successfully copied to 'destination_queue'.

Use case 4: Move all messages from one queue to another


sqsc mv source_queue destination_queue

Motivation: In scenarios where you want to move messages from one queue to another, the “sqsc” command simplifies the process by moving all the messages in a single command.


  • mv: This is the sub-command that specifies the action to move all messages from one queue to another.
  • source_queue: This is the name of the queue from which you want to move the messages.
  • destination_queue: This is the name of the queue where the messages will be moved.

Example output:

All messages from 'source_queue' successfully moved to 'destination_queue'.

Use case 5: Describe a queue


sqsc describe queue_name

Motivation: When you need detailed information about a specific queue, such as its attributes or configuration, the “sqsc” command’s “describe” sub-command provides a quick way to retrieve this information.


  • describe: This is the sub-command that specifies the action to describe a queue.
  • queue_name: This is the name of the queue that you want to describe.

Example output:

Queue Name: my-queue
- Visibility Timeout: 30 seconds
- Maximum Message Size: 256 KB

Use case 6: Query a queue with SQL syntax


sqsc query "SELECT body FROM queue_name WHERE body LIKE '%user%'"

Motivation: If you want to perform more complex queries on a queue and retrieve specific messages based on certain criteria, the “query” sub-command allows you to use SQL syntax to filter the messages.


  • query: This is the sub-command that specifies the action to query a queue.
  • "SELECT body FROM queue_name WHERE body LIKE '%user%'": This is the SQL-like query that defines the criteria for retrieving messages. In this example, it selects the message bodies from “queue_name” where the body contains the substring “user”.

Example output:

- Message 1: User123 updated their profile.
- Message 2: Authorization granted to user567.

Use case 7: Pull all messages from a queue into a local SQLite database in your present working directory


sqsc pull queue_name

Motivation: If you want to locally store and analyze the messages present in a queue, the “sqsc pull” command helps you retrieve all the messages from the specified queue and saves them in a local SQLite database file.


  • pull: This is the sub-command that specifies the action to pull all messages from a queue into a local SQLite database.
  • queue_name: This is the name of the queue from which you want to pull the messages.

Example output:

All messages from 'queue_name' successfully pulled into 'queue_name.db' SQLite database file.


The “sqsc” command provides a versatile and convenient toolset for managing AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) queues via the command line. Whether you need to list queues, inspect messages, or perform various operations on the queues, “sqsc” simplifies the process by offering a straightforward syntax and providing useful functionalities.

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