How to use the command sshare (with examples)

How to use the command sshare (with examples)

The sshare command is used to list the shares of associations to a cluster in Slurm. It provides information about how resources are allocated among different users or partitions on the cluster. This command can be helpful for cluster administrators and users to understand the resource distribution and usage.

Use case 1: List Slurm share information



Motivation: This use case allows cluster administrators or users to get an overview of the share information in the cluster. By running this command, they can see how the resources are distributed among different users and partitions, which helps them make informed decisions about resource allocation and usage.

Explanation: The sshare command without any arguments will list the share information for all associations on the cluster.

Example output:

Cluster Name    AssocID     User       Tier Partition    PDef Actual  SDef Actual
----------  ----------  ----------  ---- ----------  ------ ------  ------ ------
my_cluster          1     user1         1      par1    100%    50%    100%    50%
my_cluster          2     user2         1      par1      0%     0%      0%     0%

In the example output, we can see that the cluster name is “my_cluster” and it has two associations with AssocIDs 1 and 2. For each association, it provides information about the user, tier, partition, PDef (percent of partition allocation), Actual (actual usage), and SDef (percent of share allocation).

Use case 2: Control the output format


sshare --parsable

Motivation: Sometimes, users may want to process the share information programmatically or in a specific format. By using the --parsable argument, they can obtain the share information in a machine-readable format.

Explanation: The --parsable argument is used to control the output format of the sshare command. When specified, it will display the share information in a parsable format, where each field is separated by tabs.

Example output:

Cluster Name    AssocID     User       Tier   Partition     PDef   Actual    SDef   Actual
my_cluster          1     user1         1        par1     100%      50%    100%      50%
my_cluster          2     user2         1        par1       0%       0%      0%       0%

In the example output, the share information is separated by tabs, allowing easy parsing and further processing.

Use case 3: Control the fields to display


sshare --format="%C %A %T %P"

Motivation: When working with the share information, users may only be interested in specific fields like Cluster Name, AssocID, User, and Partition. By using the --format argument, they can customize the fields to display according to their needs.

Explanation: The --format argument is used to control the fields to display in the sshare command output. It takes a format string as an argument, where different placeholders can be used to represent specific fields. The available placeholders are:

  • %C: Cluster Name
  • %A: AssocID
  • %U: User
  • %T: Tier
  • %P: Partition
  • %PD: PDef (percent of partition allocation)
  • %AD: Actual (actual usage)
  • %SD: SDef (percent of share allocation)

Example output:

my_cluster 1 user1 par1
my_cluster 2 user2 par1

In the example output, only the Cluster Name, AssocID, User, and Partition fields are displayed, as specified in the --format argument.

Use case 4: Display information for the specified users only


sshare --users=user1,user2

Motivation: Sometimes, users may only want to see the share information for specific users or a subset of users. By using the --users argument, they can filter the share information based on the specified user IDs.

Explanation: The --users argument is used to display share information for the specified users only. It takes a comma-separated list of user IDs as an argument.

Example output:

Cluster Name    AssocID     User       Tier Partition    PDef Actual  SDef Actual
----------  ----------  ----------  ---- ----------  ------ ------  ------ ------
my_cluster          1     user1         1      par1    100%    50%    100%    50%
my_cluster          2     user2         1      par1      0%     0%      0%     0%

In the example output, only the share information for “user1” and “user2” is displayed, as specified in the --users argument.


The sshare command is a powerful tool for listing the shares of associations to a cluster in Slurm. By using different arguments, users can control the output format, customize the fields to display, and filter the share information based on specific users. This provides flexibility and convenience when working with the share information in a cluster environment.

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