How to use the command st-flash (with examples)

How to use the command st-flash (with examples)

The st-flash command is a utility for flashing binary files to STM32 ARM Cortex microcontrollers. It is a part of the stlink project and allows for easy programming and manipulation of the firmware on the microcontrollers. Below are examples of different use cases for the st-flash command.

Use case 1: Read and backup firmware from device


st-flash read firmware.bin 0x8000000 4096

Motivation: The read command is useful when you want to backup the firmware from the microcontroller. This can be helpful in case you want to restore the firmware to its original state, or if you need to analyze or modify the firmware.


  • read: This is the command to read the firmware from the device.
  • firmware.bin: This is the name of the file where the firmware will be saved.
  • 0x8000000: This is the memory address from where the reading will start.
  • 4096: This specifies the number of bytes to read from the device.

Example output:

Read 4096 bytes from 0x8000000

Use case 2: Write firmware to device


st-flash write firmware.bin 0x8000000

Motivation: The write command is used to program the microcontroller with a new firmware. This is useful when you have made changes to the firmware and want to update the microcontroller with the modified version.


  • write: This is the command to write the firmware to the device.
  • firmware.bin: This is the name of the binary file containing the firmware to be written.
  • 0x8000000: This is the memory address where the writing will start. The new firmware will be written starting from this address.

Example output:

Writing firmware...
Firmware successfully written to the device.

Use case 3: Erase firmware from device


st-flash erase

Motivation: The erase command is used to erase the firmware from the microcontroller. This can be helpful if you want to restore the microcontroller to its initial state or remove a previously programmed firmware.


  • erase: This is the command to erase the firmware from the device. It completely removes the firmware stored on the microcontroller.

Example output:

Erasing firmware...
Firmware successfully erased from the device.


The st-flash command provides a convenient way to manipulate firmware on STM32 ARM Cortex microcontrollers. Whether you need to backup, replace, or erase the firmware, the st-flash command offers a simple and efficient solution. By following the examples provided, you can easily perform these tasks and ensure the proper functioning of your microcontroller.

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