How to use the command 'st4topgm' (with examples)

How to use the command 'st4topgm' (with examples)

The ‘st4topgm’ command is used to convert an SBIG ST-4 file to a PGM (Portable Graymap) file. It takes an input file in ST-4 format and converts it to the PGM format, which is a grayscale image file format.

Use case 1: Convert an SBIG ST-4 file to a PGM file


st4topgm path/to/input_file.st4 > path/to/output.pgm

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert an ST-4 file to a more commonly used file format like PGM. This can be useful if you want to work with the image data in an ST-4 file using applications or tools that only support the PGM format.


  • ‘st4topgm’ is the command name that we are using to convert the file.
  • ‘path/to/input_file.st4’ represents the path to the input ST-4 file that we want to convert.
  • ‘path/to/output.pgm’ represents the path to the output PGM file where the converted image will be saved.

Example output: If the conversion is successful, an output PGM file will be created at the specified output path. You can then open the PGM file with an image viewer or use it in other applications that support the PGM format.

Conclusion: The ‘st4topgm’ command is a useful tool for converting SBIG ST-4 files to PGM files. It provides a simple and straightforward way to convert image data between different file formats, allowing users to work with the data in a format that best suits their needs.

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