How to use the command 'steghide' (with examples)

How to use the command 'steghide' (with examples)

Steghide is a steganography tool that allows you to embed data within various file formats such as JPEG, BMP, WAV, and AU files. It provides a way to hide sensitive information by manipulating the cover file in a way that is not easily detectable.

Use case 1: Embed data in a PNG, prompting for a passphrase


steghide embed --coverfile path/to/image.png --embedfile path/to/data.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to hide sensitive information within an image file. By embedding data in a PNG file, you can ensure that the hidden message is not easily detectable.


  • embed: This command tells steghide to embed data within the cover file.
  • --coverfile: Specifies the path to the cover file (image.png in this case) where the data will be embedded.
  • --embedfile: Specifies the path to the file (data.txt in this case) that contains the data you want to embed.

Example output: The command will prompt you to enter a passphrase for encrypting the data. Once you enter the passphrase, the data will be embedded in the image.png file.

Use case 2: Extract data from a WAV audio file


steghide extract --stegofile path/to/sound.wav

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to extract hidden data from a WAV audio file. By using steghide, you can retrieve the embedded information.


  • extract: This command tells steghide to extract data from the given stegofile.
  • --stegofile: Specifies the path to the stegofile (sound.wav in this case) from which the hidden data will be extracted.

Example output: The command will extract the hidden data from the sound.wav file and display it in the output.

Use case 3: Display file information, trying to detect an embedded file


steghide info path/to/file.jpg

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to gather information about a file and check if it contains any embedded data. By using the info command, you can inspect the file without modifying its contents.


  • info: This command tells steghide to display information about the given file.
  • path/to/file.jpg: Specifies the path to the file (file.jpg in this case) for which you want to retrieve information.

Example output: The command will display various details about the file, including the presence of any embedded data and the encryption algorithm used, if applicable.

Use case 4: Embed data in a JPEG image, using maximum compression


steghide embed --coverfile path/to/image.jpg --embedfile path/to/data.txt --compress 9

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to embed data in a JPEG image while maximizing compression. By using the --compress argument with a high value (9 in this case), you can ensure that the embedded data takes up less space within the image.


  • --compress: Specifies the compression level to be used during embedding. A higher value represents stronger compression.
  • 9: The value 9 indicates the maximum compression level.

Example output: The command will embed the data from the data.txt file into the image.jpg file using the maximum compression level. The output will indicate the success of the embedding process.

Use case 5: Get the list of supported encryption algorithms and modes


steghide encinfo

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to know the encryption algorithms and modes supported by steghide. This information can help you choose the most suitable encryption method while embedding or extracting data.


  • encinfo: This command tells steghide to display the list of supported encryption algorithms and modes.

Example output: The command will output a list of encryption algorithms and modes supported by steghide, including their names and details.

Use case 6: Embed encrypted data in a JPEG image, e.g. with Blowfish in CBC mode


steghide embed --coverfile path/to/image.jpg --embedfile path/to/data.txt --encryption blowfish|... cbc|...

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to embed encrypted data in a JPEG image. By using steghide with specific encryption algorithms and modes, you can ensure that the embedded data is secure.


  • --encryption: Specifies the encryption algorithm and mode to be used for embedding. In this case, “blowfish” represents the encryption algorithm, and “cbc” represents the mode.

Example output: The command will embed the encrypted data from the data.txt file into the image.jpg file using the Blowfish encryption algorithm in CBC mode. The output will indicate the success of the embedding process.


Steghide is a powerful steganography tool that allows you to hide and retrieve data within various file formats. By following the provided use cases, you can effectively utilize steghide for embedding and extracting data while maintaining the security and integrity of your files.

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