How to use the command 'stegsnow' (with examples)

How to use the command 'stegsnow' (with examples)

Stegsnow is a steganography tool that allows users to conceal and extract messages in text files encoded as tabs and spaces. It provides various options to extract or conceal messages with different levels of compression and password protection.

Use case 1: Extract message from file


stegsnow path/to/file.txt

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to extract a hidden message from a text file that was encoded using stegsnow. It can be used for both personal and professional purposes, such as forensic analysis or hidden communication retrieval.


  • path/to/file.txt: Specifies the path to the file from which the message needs to be extracted.

Example Output: If the file contains a hidden message, it will be displayed in the terminal.

Use case 2: Extract Compressed and Password Protected message from file


stegsnow -C -p password path/to/file.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when the hidden message in the file is compressed and protected with a password. By providing the password, you can access the concealed information within the file.


  • -C: Specifies that the message is compressed.
  • -p password: Specifies the password required to extract the message.
  • path/to/file.txt: Specifies the path to the file from which the message needs to be extracted.

Example Output: If the password is correct and the file contains a compressed and password protected message, it will be displayed in the terminal.

Use case 3: Determine approximate Storage capacity with line length less than 72 for file


stegsnow -S -l 72 path/to/file.txt

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to determine the approximate storage capacity of a file encoded with stegsnow, considering the line length limitation of 72 characters. It helps in assessing the capacity for concealing messages and optimizing the usage based on the line length constraint.


  • -S: Specifies to determine the storage capacity.
  • -l 72: Specifies the line length limit for determining storage capacity.
  • path/to/file.txt: Specifies the path to the file for which the storage capacity needs to be determined.

Example Output: The output will be the approximate storage capacity considering the line length of 72 characters.

Use case 4: Conceal message in text from file and save to result


stegsnow -m 'message' path/to/file.txt path/to/result.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to conceal a message within a text file using stegsnow and save the result to a different file. It can be used for secure communication or hiding confidential information within seemingly innocent text files.


  • -m 'message': Specifies the message to be concealed.
  • path/to/file.txt: Specifies the path to the file in which the message should be concealed.
  • path/to/result.txt: Specifies the path to the result file where the concealed message will be saved.

Example Output: The result file (path/to/result.txt) will contain the original text from path/to/file.txt with the concealed message.

Use case 5: Conceal message file content Compressed in text from file and save to result


stegsnow -C -f 'path/to/message.txt' path/to/file.txt path/to/result.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a separate file for the message content and want to conceal its compressed version within another text file. It allows you to keep the message content and the carrier file separate and also compresses the message for efficient storage.


  • -C: Specifies that the message should be compressed.
  • -f 'path/to/message.txt': Specifies the path to the file containing the message content.
  • path/to/file.txt: Specifies the path to the file in which the compressed message should be concealed.
  • path/to/result.txt: Specifies the path to the result file where the concealed message will be saved.

Example Output: The result file (path/to/result.txt) will contain the original text from path/to/file.txt with the concealed and compressed message content from path/to/message.txt.

Use case 6: Conceal message Compressed and Password Protected in text from file and save to result


stegsnow -C -p password -m 'message' path/to/file.txt path/to/result.txt

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to conceal a compressed and password protected message within a text file using stegsnow and save the result to a different file. It adds an extra layer of security by providing password protection to the concealed message.


  • -C: Specifies that the message should be compressed.
  • -p password: Specifies the password for encrypting the concealed message.
  • -m 'message': Specifies the message to be concealed.
  • path/to/file.txt: Specifies the path to the file in which the compressed and password protected message should be concealed.
  • path/to/result.txt: Specifies the path to the result file where the concealed message will be saved.

Example Output: The result file (path/to/result.txt) will contain the original text from path/to/file.txt with the concealed, compressed, and password protected message.


Stegsnow is a versatile steganography tool that provides various options for concealing and extracting messages within text files. It allows users to hide information in seemingly innocuous files and can be used for different purposes like communication, information security, or forensic analysis. The use cases highlighted above demonstrate how to utilize stegsnow and the different options available for working with concealed messages.

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