How to use the command 'stow' (with examples)

How to use the command 'stow' (with examples)

The ‘stow’ command is a symlink manager that is often used to manage dotfiles. It allows you to easily create and manage symbolic links between files in different directories. This can be particularly useful when managing dotfiles, which are configuration files for various applications.


stow --target=path/to/target_directory file1 directory1 file2 directory2

Motivation: This use case allows you to create symbolic links for multiple files and directories in a given target directory. It provides a convenient way to organize and manage various configurations or files.


  • --target=path/to/target_directory: Specifies the target directory where the symlinks should be created. Replace path/to/target_directory with the actual path to your desired target directory.
  • file1 directory1 file2 directory2: Specifies the files and directories that should be symlinked. Replace file1 directory1 file2 directory2 with the actual names of the files and directories you want to symlink.

Example output: If you have a directory called configs containing files vimrc and bashrc, and you want to symlink them to a target directory called dotfiles, you can run the following command:

stow --target=path/to/dotfiles configs

This will create symbolic links for vimrc and bashrc in the dotfiles directory.


stow --delete --target=path/to/target_directory file1 directory1 file2 directory2

Motivation: This use case allows you to remove symlinks for multiple files and directories from a given target directory. It is useful when you want to clean up or remove certain configurations or files.


  • --delete: Instructs ‘stow’ to delete the symlinks instead of creating them.
  • --target=path/to/target_directory: Specifies the target directory from which the symlinks should be deleted. Replace path/to/target_directory with the actual path to your target directory.
  • file1 directory1 file2 directory2: Specifies the files and directories for which the symlinks should be deleted. Replace file1 directory1 file2 directory2 with the actual names of the files and directories.

Example output: If you want to remove the symbolic links for vimrc and bashrc from the dotfiles directory, you can run the following command:

stow --delete --target=path/to/dotfiles configs

This will delete the symlinks for vimrc and bashrc in the dotfiles directory.

Use case 3: Simulate to see what the result would be like


stow --simulate --target=path/to/target_directory file1 directory1 file2 directory2

Motivation: This use case allows you to simulate the creation of symlinks to see what the result would be without actually modifying any files or directories. It can be useful for testing purposes or to verify if the correct symlinks will be created.


  • --simulate: Instructs ‘stow’ to simulate the process without making any changes.
  • --target=path/to/target_directory: Specifies the target directory where the symlinks would be created. Replace path/to/target_directory with the actual path to your desired target directory.
  • file1 directory1 file2 directory2: Specifies the files and directories for which the symlinks would be created. Replace file1 directory1 file2 directory2 with the actual names of the files and directories.

Example output: If you want to simulate the creation of symlinks for vimrc and bashrc in the dotfiles directory, you can run the following command:

stow --simulate --target=path/to/dotfiles configs

This will show you a detailed output of what the result would be if you were to actually create the symlinks.


stow --restow --target=path/to/target_directory file1 directory1 file2 directory2

Motivation: This use case allows you to delete the existing symlinks and then recreate them in a target directory. It is useful when you want to update the symlinks or if the source files have been modified.


  • --restow: Instructs ‘stow’ to delete the existing symlinks and then recreate them.
  • --target=path/to/target_directory: Specifies the target directory where the symlinks should be created. Replace path/to/target_directory with the actual path to your desired target directory.
  • file1 directory1 file2 directory2: Specifies the files and directories for which the symlinks should be created or recreated. Replace file1 directory1 file2 directory2 with the actual names of the files and directories.

Example output: If you want to delete and then recreate the symlinks for vimrc and bashrc in the dotfiles directory, you can run the following command:

stow --restow --target=path/to/dotfiles configs

This will delete the existing symlinks and then recreate them in the dotfiles directory.

Use case 5: Exclude files matching a regular expression


stow --ignore=regular_expression --target=path/to/target_directory file1 directory1 file2 directory2

Motivation: This use case allows you to exclude certain files from being symlinked based on a regular expression. It can be useful when you want to exclude specific files that match a certain pattern.


  • --ignore=regular_expression: Specifies a regular expression pattern to match files that should be excluded from being symlinked. Replace regular_expression with the actual regular expression pattern.
  • --target=path/to/target_directory: Specifies the target directory where the symlinks should be created. Replace path/to/target_directory with the actual path to your desired target directory.
  • file1 directory1 file2 directory2: Specifies the files and directories for which the symlinks should be created. Replace file1 directory1 file2 directory2 with the actual names of the files and directories.

Example output: If you want to exclude any files that start with “config” from being symlinked to the dotfiles directory, you can run the following command:

stow --ignore='^config' --target=path/to/dotfiles configs

This will create symlinks for all files in the configs directory, except for those that start with “config”.


The ‘stow’ command is a powerful symlink manager that can be particularly useful when managing dotfiles. Its various use cases allow for easy creation, deletion, and manipulation of symlinks in a target directory. By leveraging the flexibility of ‘stow’, users can efficiently manage their configurations and files.

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