stressapptest (with examples)

stressapptest (with examples)

Test the given amount of memory

The first use case of the stressapptest command is to test a specific amount of memory. This can be useful in determining if a system can handle a certain memory load and to test the stability and performance of the memory subsystem.


stressapptest -M 1024


The motivation for testing a specific amount of memory is to ensure that the system can handle a certain memory load. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to test the memory subsystem under load to identify any potential issues or limitations.


The -M option is used to specify the amount of memory to be tested in Megabytes. In the example above, 1024 Megabytes (1 Gigabyte) of memory will be tested.

Example Output

Running for 10 seconds or until stopped
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:00: Started stressapptest
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:10: Completed stressapptest
Result: Pass

Test memory as well as I/O for a given file

The second use case of the stressapptest command is to test both memory and I/O for a specific file. This can be useful in determining the system’s ability to handle simultaneous memory and I/O operations.


stressapptest -M 1024 -f /path/to/file


Testing memory as well as I/O for a given file can help identify any potential bottlenecks or issues related to simultaneous memory and I/O operations. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to stress test the system under typical workloads.


The -f option is used to specify the path to a file that will be used for the I/O testing. In the example above, the file located at “/path/to/file” will be used.

Example Output

Running for 10 seconds or until stopped
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:00: Started stressapptest
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:10: Completed stressapptest
Result: Pass

Test with specified verbosity level

The third use case of the stressapptest command is to test with a specified verbosity level. This can be useful in controlling the amount of output generated by the test and to focus on specific details or errors.


stressapptest -M 1024 -v 10


Specifying the verbosity level allows you to control the amount of output generated by the test. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to focus on specific details or errors without being overwhelmed by excessive logging or information.


The -v option is used to specify the verbosity level, where 0 is the lowest level of verbosity and 20 is the highest. In the example above, a verbosity level of 10 is specified.

Example Output

Running for 10 seconds or until stopped
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:00: Started stressapptest
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:01: Verbose message 1
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:02: Verbose message 2
pid: 1234: info: 2021-12-01 12:00:10: Completed stressapptest
Result: Pass

Continue the article with the remaining five use cases…

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