How to use the command 'sv' (with examples)

How to use the command 'sv' (with examples)

The ‘sv’ command is used to control a running runsv service. It allows you to start, stop, get the status, reload, or run a service once. This command is particularly useful for managing and monitoring services in a Linux system.

Use case 1: Start a service


sudo sv up path/to/service

Motivation: You can use this command when you want to start a specific service that is managed by runsv. Starting a service ensures that it is up and running, allowing it to fulfill its intended purpose.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to execute the following command as a superuser or with elevated privileges.
  • sv up: This part of the command is used to start the service. ‘up’ is the argument that tells ‘sv’ to start the service.
  • path/to/service: Replace this with the actual path to the service you want to start. This specifies the location of the service that runsv manages.

Example output:

ok: run: /path/to/service: (pid 12345) 3s

Use case 2: Stop a service


sudo sv down path/to/service

Motivation: Sometimes, you may need to stop a service to perform maintenance tasks, troubleshoot issues, or make configuration changes. The ‘sv down’ command allows you to gracefully stop the service.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to execute the following command as a superuser or with elevated privileges.
  • sv down: This part of the command is used to stop the service. ‘down’ is the argument that tells ‘sv’ to stop the service.
  • path/to/service: Replace this with the actual path to the service you want to stop. This specifies the location of the service that runsv manages.

Example output:

ok: down: /path/to/service: 3s, normally up

Use case 3: Get service status


sudo sv status path/to/service

Motivation: Monitoring the status of a service is crucial for ensuring its availability and performance. By using the ‘sv status’ command, you can quickly check the current status of a service.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to execute the following command as a superuser or with elevated privileges.
  • sv status: This part of the command is used to retrieve the status of the service. ‘status’ is the argument that tells ‘sv’ to provide the status.
  • path/to/service: Replace this with the actual path to the service you want to check. This specifies the location of the service that runsv manages.

Example output:

run: /path/to/service: (pid 12345) 3s

Use case 4: Reload a service


sudo sv reload path/to/service

Motivation: When you make changes to the configuration of a service, you might need to reload it to apply the new settings. The ‘sv reload’ command allows you to reload the service without fully restarting it.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to execute the following command as a superuser or with elevated privileges.
  • sv reload: This part of the command is used to reload the service. ‘reload’ is the argument that tells ‘sv’ to reload the service.
  • path/to/service: Replace this with the actual path to the service you want to reload. This specifies the location of the service that runsv manages.

Example output:

ok: run: /path/to/service: (pid 12345) 3s

Use case 5: Start a service once


sudo sv once path/to/service

Motivation: In certain scenarios, you may want to start a service only if it’s not running, but not restart it if it stops. The ‘sv once’ command allows you to accomplish this specific behavior.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to execute the following command as a superuser or with elevated privileges.
  • sv once: This part of the command is used to start the service once. ‘once’ is the argument that tells ‘sv’ to start the service only if it’s not running and not restart it if it stops.
  • path/to/service: Replace this with the actual path to the service you want to start once. This specifies the location of the service that runsv manages.

Example output:

ok: run: /path/to/service: (pid 12345) 3s


The ‘sv’ command is a powerful tool for controlling and managing runsv services in a Linux system. With the ability to start, stop, get status, reload, or run a service once, you can effectively manage and monitor crucial services on your system.

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