Mastering the 'svcs' Command (with examples)

Mastering the 'svcs' Command (with examples)

The svcs command is a powerful tool available in Unix-based systems, primarily intended for providing information about services. This command is part of the Service Management Facility (SMF), which is responsible for managing system and application services. By utilizing svcs, administrators and users can obtain details about the state of services, inspect why certain services are not operational, and access relevant log files to troubleshoot issues more effectively.

Use case 1: List all running services



When managing servers or troubleshooting issues, it’s often crucial to know which services are currently active. Listing all running services using svcs gives you a comprehensive view of your system’s operational footprint. This helps in resource planning and ensures that all necessary services are up and running as per the system requirements.

The command svcs without any options lists all services that are currently running on the system. It provides basic details like the state of the service, its unique identifier, and its dependent processes. By default, svcs gives an overview of all services in a running state, making it a convenient starting point for system diagnostics.

Example output:

STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         10:21:33 svc:/network/ssh:default
online         10:21:35 svc:/application/database/mysql:default
online         10:21:37 svc:/network/http:apache2

Use case 2: List services that are not running


svcs -vx

In scenarios where a service expected to be operational is not functioning as intended, identifying services that have encountered errors or are inactive becomes essential. Using svcs -vx, you can quickly pinpoint these problematic services, allowing for further troubleshooting or restarting the service.

The -vx option in the svcs command provides details on services that are not running, including those in a ‘maintenance’ or ‘offline’ state. This detailed verbose output will give more insights, such as the reason for the service’s current state and pointers to potential issues requiring attention.

Example output:

svc:/application/database/mysql:default (MySQL database)
 State: disabled since Wed Oct 6 14:54:38 2023
Reason: Fault management response.

Use case 3: List information about a service


svcs apache

At times, a specific service might require monitoring or investigation, such as ensuring that an application like Apache HTTP Server is running smoothly. Knowing how to extract detailed information about a particular service using svcs can assist in validating service status and other critical parameters.

By specifying a service, such as apache, svcs returns detailed information about that service, including its state, start time, and instance identifier. This focused query is helpful when multiple services are running, and there’s a need to examine or verify the status of a particular application service.

Example output:

STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         10:21:37 svc:/network/http:apache

Use case 4: Show location of service log file


svcs -L apache

Accessing log files for specific services, like Apache, is indispensable for diagnosing issues or auditing events. When you need to quickly locate the log file associated with a service, svcs -L simplifies the task by pointing directly to the log file’s location.

The -L option indicates the command should output the location of the log file for the specified service. This is particularly useful for system administrators who need immediate log access without navigating through the filesystem to locate log directories manually.

Example output:


Use case 5: Display end of a service log file


tail $(svcs -L apache)

Reviewing the latest entries in a log file can be vital when real-time troubleshooting for running services, such as Apache. By combining svcs -L with tail, one can readily monitor the end of the log file for immediate updates or recent errors.

Here, svcs -L apache outputs the path to Apache’s log file. The tail command, commonly used to display the last few lines of a file, is applied to the log file path. This combination allows users to swiftly check the most recent log file entries, facilitating rapid issue resolution.

Example output:

==> /var/svc/log/network-http:apache.log <==
Oct 6 14:54:51 2023 example.server httpd[12345]: Starting Apache...
Oct 6 14:55:01 2023 example.server httpd[12345]: Apache running.


The svcs command is an essential utility in the Unix toolkit, providing a streamlined way to inspect, troubleshoot, and manage system services. Whether you need to verify which services are currently operating, diagnose services that have failed, or access logs for deeper insights, svcs offers a user-friendly and effective approach. Understanding and leveraging these use cases can significantly enhance your service management capabilities on Unix-based systems.

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