How to Use the Command 'sw_vers' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'sw_vers' (with Examples)

  • Osx
  • December 17, 2024

The sw_vers command is a simple and handy utility available on macOS systems that allows users to retrieve detailed information about the operating system. It provides critical insights into the system’s specifications, including the OS name, the version number, and the specific build of macOS currently running. This information can be particularly valuable for developers, system administrators, and any users who need to ensure compatibility or troubleshoot software applications.

Use Case 1: Print All Available Information (OS Name, Version Number, and Build)



In many scenarios, a user might need to quickly gather a comprehensive overview of their macOS version, including the operating system name, version number, and build identifier. This could be for compatibility checks, to ensure that certain software or features are supported on their system, or for reference when seeking technical support. This command provides all the relevant details in one go, saving time and effort.

The command sw_vers executed without any additional arguments prints all available information about the macOS. It does not require any flags or options to be specified, as it returns the full dataset by default. This includes:

  • ProductName: The name of the product, typically “macOS.”
  • ProductVersion: The version number that represents the iteration of macOS.
  • BuildVersion: A unique identifier for the specific build of the macOS version running.

Example Output:

ProductName:    macOS
ProductVersion: 11.6
BuildVersion:   20G165

Use Case 2: Print Only the Version Number of the Operating System


sw_vers -productVersion

Sometimes, the most pertinent piece of information needed by a user is simply the version number of the macOS they are using. Software developers often need to verify the OS version to address compatibility concerns, verify feature availability, or comply with system requirements for applications. By extracting only the version number, the command offers a streamlined solution to quickly checking this specific piece of information.

The -productVersion flag is used alongside the sw_vers command to specify that only the version number of the operating system should be displayed. This flag filters the output, allowing users to focus solely on understanding which iteration of macOS is currently installed.

Example Output:


Use Case 3: Print Only the Build Identifier


sw_vers -buildVersion

The build identifier can be crucial for more advanced users, such as developers and system administrators, who might need to pinpoint precise updates, manage multiple configurations, or troubleshoot issues. Each version of macOS might include several builds, and identifying which specific build is being used can help distinguish subtle changes that could affect system performance or software operation.

The -buildVersion flag, when used with the sw_vers command, filters the output to display only the build identifier. This value is often a string of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies a particular build within a version of macOS. It’s especially useful for detailed tracking of updates and confirming that exact patches or updates have been installed.

Example Output:



Overall, the sw_vers command is a straightforward yet powerful tool for extracting information about the macOS environment. Whether you’re a developer needing the version number for compatibility, a system administrator verifying build versions, or simply a user curious about your OS details, sw_vers provides a variety of options to suit your needs. The command’s flexibility with specific flags allows for tailored outputs, making it an indispensable command for anyone working on a macOS platform.

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