Command-Line Prolog Interpreter: swipl (with examples)

Command-Line Prolog Interpreter: swipl (with examples)


SWI-Prolog is a comprehensive and widely used Prolog environment. It provides an interactive shell where you can execute Prolog commands, scripts, and perform various configurations. The swipl command is the entry point to the SWI-Prolog interpreter, and in this article, we will explore different use cases of this command with code examples.

1: Starting an Interactive Session

To start an interactive session with SWI-Prolog, simply execute the swipl command without any arguments. This will launch the Prolog interpreter, allowing you to enter Prolog queries and interactively work with the environment.



Starting an interactive session is useful when you want to explore and test Prolog code snippets, develop and debug Prolog programs, or interactively experiment with various Prolog predicates.


The swipl command without any arguments launches the SWI-Prolog interpreter and opens an interactive shell where you can enter Prolog queries and receive immediate responses.

Example Output:

After executing the swipl command, you should see the following output:

Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version XYZ)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.

2: Executing a Command without Showing Any Output

Sometimes, you may want to execute a Prolog command as part of a script or automation process without displaying the output. This can be achieved using the --quiet option along with the -t flag followed by the command.

swipl --quiet -t "command"


Executing a command without output can be handy when you want to suppress the usual output, such as during script execution, where only specific actions need to be performed without distracting output.


The --quiet option suppresses regular output, and the -t flag specifies the command to be executed. Replace the “command” with the actual Prolog command you want to run.

Example Output:

# No output will be displayed on the console.

3: Executing a Script

SWI-Prolog allows executing Prolog code stored in a script file. You can execute a Prolog script using the swipl command followed by the path to the script file.

swipl path/to/


Executing a script file is useful when you have a collection of Prolog predicates or a program that needs to be executed as a whole. Scripts can simplify the execution process and encapsulate related functionality.


The path/to/ argument represents the path to the Prolog script file that you want to execute. Replace it with the actual path to your script file.

Example Output:

# The output will depend on the content and execution of the script.

4: Printing All Shell Configuration Variables

To inspect the shell configuration variables of SWI-Prolog, you can use the --dump-runtime-variables option with the swipl command.

swipl --dump-runtime-variables


Printing all shell configuration variables can be helpful for debugging or getting insights into the runtime environment of SWI-Prolog. It allows you to view the current configuration settings and understand how SWI-Prolog operates.


The --dump-runtime-variables option instructs SWI-Prolog to display all the shell configuration variables and their corresponding values.

Example Output:

# A list of shell configuration variables and their respective values.

5: Printing the Version

To check the version of SWI-Prolog installed on your system, you can use the --version option with the swipl command.

swipl --version


Checking the version of SWI-Prolog can be important when you want to ensure compatibility with specific features, libraries, or code snippets. It helps in troubleshooting issues and maintaining the appropriate environment.


The --version option tells SWI-Prolog to print the version information on the console.

Example Output:

SWI-Prolog version XYZ


In this article, we explored different use cases of the swipl command, which is the entry point to the SWI-Prolog interpreter. We covered starting an interactive session, executing commands without output, running scripts, printing shell configuration variables, and checking the version. These examples provide a solid foundation for using SWI-Prolog effectively and efficiently in various scenarios.

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