How to use the command 'swupd' (with examples)

How to use the command 'swupd' (with examples)

The ‘swupd’ command is a package management utility for Clear Linux. It allows users to update, manage, and install software bundles on their systems. This article will provide examples of various use cases of the ‘swupd’ command.

Use case 1: Update to the latest version


sudo swupd update

Motivation: Updating to the latest version of Clear Linux ensures that you have the latest bug fixes, security patches, and new features.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to run the ‘swupd’ command with superuser privileges, allowing the update to modify system files.
  • swupd update: This command updates the system to the latest version of Clear Linux.

Example output:

Updating active bundles...
Installing component bundles...
Applying 11 deltas (100% cached)...

Use case 2: Show current version, and check whether a newer one exists


swupd check-update

Motivation: Checking for updates allows you to see if a newer version of Clear Linux is available.


  • swupd check-update: This command checks for updates and displays the current version of Clear Linux, as well as whether a newer version exists.

Example output:

Current OS version: 34950
Version in latest upgrade available: 34960

Use case 3: List installed bundles


swupd bundle-list

Motivation: Listing installed bundles provides an overview of the software packages and components installed on your system.


  • swupd bundle-list: This command lists all the installed software bundles on the system.

Example output:


Use case 4: Locate the bundle where a wanted package exists


swupd search -b package

Motivation: Locating a bundle where a specific package exists can be useful when you want to install or update a specific software package.


  • swupd search: This command searches for the specified package.
  • -b: This argument filters the search results to show only the bundles containing the package.

Example output:

Bundles containing 'vim':

Use case 5: Install a new bundle


sudo swupd bundle-add bundle

Motivation: Installing a new bundle allows you to add additional software packages and components to your system.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to run the ‘swupd’ command with superuser privileges, allowing the installation to modify system files.
  • swupd bundle-add: This command installs the specified bundle.

Example output:

Downloading file lists...
Installing component bundles...
Applying 12 deltas (100% cached)...

Use case 6: Remove a bundle


sudo swupd bundle-remove bundle

Motivation: Removing a bundle allows you to uninstall unnecessary software packages and components from your system, freeing up disk space.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to run the ‘swupd’ command with superuser privileges, allowing the removal to modify system files.
  • swupd bundle-remove: This command removes the specified bundle.

Example output:

Removing bundle 'bundle'...
Applying 2 deltas (100% verified)...

Use case 7: Correct broken or missing files


sudo swupd verify

Motivation: Verifying the system allows you to identify and fix any broken or missing files, ensuring the integrity and stability of your system.


  • sudo: The ‘sudo’ command is used to run the ‘swupd’ command with superuser privileges, allowing the verification to access and modify system files.
  • swupd verify: This command checks for and corrects any broken or missing files in the system.

Example output:

Checking installed files for consistency...
Missing files: 12
Fixing missing files...


The ‘swupd’ command is a powerful and versatile package management utility for Clear Linux. It provides a range of functions, including updating the system, managing bundles, locating packages, and ensuring the integrity of the system. By understanding and utilizing these various use cases, users can effectively manage and maintain their Clear Linux installations.

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