How to Use the Command 'sync' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'sync' (with Examples)

The sync command is a useful tool in Linux and Unix-based systems that is responsible for flushing all pending write operations to the appropriate disks. This command ensures that any data waiting to be written to disk is immediately written, minimizing the chance of data loss in critical situations. As part of the GNU Core Utilities, it is designed to provide a simple, yet vital, function for data integrity.

Use Case 1: Flush All Pending Write Operations on All Disks




Every computer system’s memory holds data temporarily before transferring it to the storage devices through write operations. In some cases, particularly before performing operations like shutting down the system, unmounting a disk, or installing an application, it is crucial to ensure that all data is safely written to disk. This minimizes the risk of data loss due to power failure, crashes, or other unexpected events. Using the sync command without any arguments allows the user to safely flush all buffer caches to disk, effectively safeguarding the data integrity across all mounted storage.


  • sync: Issuing sync without additional arguments instructs the operating system to write all buffered data to all mounted storage devices. This includes data that is in temporary storage, waiting to be committed to disk. The operation blocks further execution until the write processes are completely finished, ensuring all data is safely stored.

Example Output:

There is no output for this command as it runs silently. Its effectiveness can typically be observed indirectly by ensuring no data is lost in cases of abrupt shutdowns or hardware failures.

Use Case 2: Flush All Pending Write Operations on a Single File to Disk


sync path/to/file


There are scenarios where a system user may need to ensure that a particular file is written to disk as a matter of urgency. For developers updating configuration files, or working on critical documents, ensuring that changes are immediately committed to disk can prevent data loss that could happen if the system crashes or if power is lost. This specific invocation of the sync command targets a single file, providing granular control over what data is prioritized for writing to disk.


  • sync: In this context, sync is invoked with an additional argument pointing to a specific file, indicating the need to flush pending write operations related to that file.
  • path/to/file: This is a placeholder syntax for the absolute or relative path of the target file. Substituting this with the actual file path specifies exactly which file should have its buffered data committed immediately to disk.

Example Output:

Similar to the previous use case, there is no direct output from the command. However, confirming file synchronization can typically be done by ensuring that the file’s most recent changes are saved and accessible even after an unexpected reboot or failure.


The sync command, while simple, plays an essential role in maintaining data integrity in computing environments by ensuring that pending write operations are dutifully executed. Whether dealing with all system data collectively or focusing on a specific file, understanding and utilizing these options allows for the secure preservation of data, providing peace of mind to users managing critical information on their systems.

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