How to use the command 'systemd-firstboot' (with examples)

How to use the command 'systemd-firstboot' (with examples)

The ‘systemd-firstboot’ command is used to initialize basic system settings on or before the first boot-up of a system. It allows users to configure various settings such as the system directory, keyboard layout, hostname, root user’s password, and more. This article will provide examples of different use cases and explain how to use each of them effectively.

Use case 1: Operate on the specified directory instead of the root directory of the host system


sudo systemd-firstboot --root=path/to/root_directory

Motivation: This use case can be helpful when you want to initialize and configure a system in a custom directory instead of the default root directory. It allows you to specify a different path to operate on.

Explanation: This command uses the --root argument followed by the path to the desired root directory. The sudo command is used to execute ‘systemd-firstboot’ with root privileges.

Example output: The system settings will be initialized and configured in the specified directory, rather than the default root directory.

Use case 2: Set the system keyboard layout


sudo systemd-firstboot --keymap=keymap

Motivation: This use case is useful when you need to set the keyboard layout for your system. It ensures that your keyboard operates correctly based on your preferred layout.

Explanation: The --keymap argument is used to specify the desired keyboard layout. Replace “keymap” with the appropriate code for your preferred layout.

Example output: The system’s keyboard layout will be set to the specified value, ensuring proper functionality of the keyboard.

Use case 3: Set the system hostname


sudo systemd-firstboot --hostname=hostname

Motivation: This use case allows you to set the hostname for your system, which is the name by which it will be identified on the network. This can be helpful for organizational purposes or when connecting to other devices.

Explanation: The --hostname argument is used to specify the desired hostname for the system. Replace “hostname” with the desired name.

Example output: The system’s hostname will be set to the specified value, allowing it to be identified with the chosen name on the network.

Use case 4: Set the root user’s password


sudo systemd-firstboot --root-password=password

Motivation: It is essential to set a strong password for the root user to ensure the security of your system. This use case enables you to set the root user’s password during the first boot-up.

Explanation: The --root-password argument is used to specify the desired password for the root user. Replace “password” with the password you want to set.

Example output: The root user’s password will be set to the specified value, providing secure access to the system.

Use case 5: Prompt the user interactively for a specific basic setting


sudo systemd-firstboot --prompt=setting

Motivation: Sometimes, it is preferable to prompt the user interactively for a basic setting rather than providing a predefined value. This use case allows for user input to configure a specific setting.

Explanation: The --prompt argument is used to specify the setting for which the user will be prompted. Replace “setting” with the desired setting prompt.

Example output: The user will be prompted to enter a value for the specified setting, allowing for customizable configuration during the first boot-up.

Use case 6: Force writing configuration even if the relevant files already exist


sudo systemd-firstboot --force

Motivation: Occasionally, configuration files may already exist, and you still want to overwrite them during the first boot-up. This use case allows for forcefully writing the configuration, regardless of existing files.

Explanation: The --force argument is used to indicate that the configuration files should be written, even if they already exist.

Example output: The configuration files will be written, overwriting any existing files if necessary.

Use case 7: Remove all existing files that are configured by ‘systemd-firstboot’


sudo systemd-firstboot --reset

Motivation: If you need to start from scratch and remove all existing files that have been configured by ‘systemd-firstboot’, this use case will be helpful. It allows you to reset the system to its initial state.

Explanation: The --reset argument is used to instruct ‘systemd-firstboot’ to remove all existing files that have been configured by it.

Example output: All existing files that have been configured by ‘systemd-firstboot’ will be removed, resetting the system to its initial state.

Use case 8: Remove the password of the system’s root user


sudo systemd-firstboot --delete-root-password

Motivation: In certain scenarios, you may want to remove the password of the system’s root user for specific purposes. This use case enables you to delete the password and leave the root user without a password.

Explanation: The --delete-root-password argument instructs ‘systemd-firstboot’ to remove the password of the root user.

Example output: The password of the system’s root user will be deleted, rendering the root user without a password.


The ‘systemd-firstboot’ command offers a range of options to initialize and configure basic system settings during the first boot-up. By utilizing these use cases, you can customize the system directory, keyboard layout, hostname, root user’s password, and other configuration settings efficiently. Each use case provides a specific function to ensure a smooth start for your system.

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