Resolving Network Queries with `systemd-resolve` (with examples)

Resolving Network Queries with `systemd-resolve` (with examples)

The systemd-resolve command is a versatile tool used for resolving domain names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS resource records, and services. It’s particularly useful in network diagnostics and management, enabling users to perform lookups within the system-level service dedicated to this task. In newer versions of systemd, the tool has been renamed to resolvectl, maintaining its essential functions and adding more robust capabilities. This exploratory article delves into the various use cases of systemd-resolve, offering insight into its practical applications and breaking down its command-line arguments for better comprehension.

View documentation for resolvectl


tldr resolvectl


When working with command-line tools, especially those integrated into the operating system’s core services like systemd, understanding their functionality and options is crucial. This can be achieved by consulting their documentation. The tldr command offers a concise, user-friendly overview of common command usage patterns. With resolvectl, a potentially complex tool due to its broad functionality, leveraging tldr helps users quickly grasp the basic and most-used operations without wading through extensive manual pages.


  • tldr: A command-line utility aimed at providing simplified and example-driven epitomes of command-line tools, bridging the gap between detailed man pages and superficial command usage found in some forums.
  • resolvectl: Specifies the command for which you seek documentation. It’s the modern alias for systemd-resolve, providing domain and address resolution services. By passing it to tldr, users access a quick summary of its capabilities, core arguments, and typical examples.

Example Output:

The output from running tldr resolvectl will typically include a brief description of the tool, a list of frequently encountered use cases, and example commands showcasing how to implement these operations effectively. It cuts down learning curves significantly by providing ready-to-use samples and options.


Understanding a command’s potential through various use cases allows for more proficient utilization of its capabilities. With systemd-resolve or its renamed counterpart resolvectl, network administrators and diagnostics specialists can effectively manage and troubleshoot network resources and configurations. Whether it’s seeking a command synopsis with tldr or utilizing the tool for domain resolution, each usage scenario contributes to a deeper comprehension of managing networking facets through system-level services.

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