How to use the command 'takeout' (with examples)

How to use the command 'takeout' (with examples)

The ’takeout’ command is a Docker-based development-only dependency manager. It allows developers to easily manage and enable/disable various services for their development environments. Each use case illustrates a specific action that can be performed with the ’takeout’ command.

Use case 1: Display a list of available services


takeout enable

Motivation: When working on a development environment with multiple services, it’s helpful to have a list of all the available services to understand what options are available.


  • takeout enable is used to display a list of available services. No arguments are needed.

Example output:

Available services:
- mysql
- redis
- mailhog

Use case 2: Enable a specific service


takeout enable name

Motivation: Enabling a specific service is useful when you want to start using a particular service in your development environment.


  • takeout enable name enables a specific service, where ’name’ is the name of the service you want to enable.

Example output:

The 'mysql' service has been enabled.

Use case 3: Enable a specific service with the default parameters


takeout enable --default name

Motivation: Enabling a specific service with default parameters allows for a quick and easy setup of the service in the development environment.


  • takeout enable --default name enables a specific service with default parameters. ’name’ is the name of the service you want to enable.

Example output:

The 'redis' service has been enabled with default parameters.

Use case 4: Display a list of enabled services


takeout disable

Motivation: When managing multiple enabled services, it’s helpful to have a list of all the currently enabled services.


  • takeout disable is used to display a list of enabled services. No arguments are needed.

Example output:

Enabled services:
- mysql
- redis

Use case 5: Disable a specific service


takeout disable name

Motivation: Disabling a specific service allows you to stop using that service in your development environment.


  • takeout disable name disables a specific service, where ’name’ is the name of the service you want to disable.

Example output:

The 'mysql' service has been disabled.

Use case 6: Disable all services


takeout disable --all

Motivation: Disabling all services can be useful when you want to clean up and stop using all services in your development environment.


  • takeout disable --all disables all currently enabled services.

Example output:

All services have been disabled.

Use case 7: Start a specific container


takeout start container_id

Motivation: Starting a specific container allows you to run a service that you need in your development environment.


  • takeout start container_id starts a specific Docker container, where ‘container_id’ is the ID of the container you want to start.

Example output:

The container with ID 'd32e4f0c3f62' has been started.

Use case 8: Stop a specific container


takeout stop container_id

Motivation: Stopping a specific container allows you to gracefully shut down a running service in your development environment.


  • takeout stop container_id stops a specific Docker container, where ‘container_id’ is the ID of the container you want to stop.

Example output:

The container with ID 'd32e4f0c3f62' has been stopped.


The ’takeout’ command is a powerful tool for managing development-only dependencies in a Docker-based development environment. These examples demonstrate how to enable/disable services, display service lists, and start/stop containers. By using the ’takeout’ command, developers can easily configure their development environments with the necessary services and manage them efficiently.

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