How to Use the tart Command (with examples)

How to Use the tart Command (with examples)

  • Osx
  • November 5, 2023

The tart command is a powerful tool for building, running, and managing macOS and Linux virtual machines (VMs) on Apple Silicon. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases of the tart command, along with code examples, motivations for using each case, explanations for every argument, and example outputs.

1. Pull a remote VM image

To pull a remote VM image, use the following code:

tart pull

Motivation: Pulling a remote VM image is useful when you want to use an existing VM template or pre-built image to quickly set up a VM.


  • The name of the organization, repository, image name, and version tag of the VM image you want to pull.

Example Output:

Pulling VM image
Image pulled successfully.

2. Clone a VM from a local or remote image source

To clone a VM from a local or remote image source, use the following code:

tart clone source-vm vm-name

Motivation: Cloning a VM allows you to create multiple instances with the same configuration, saving time and effort.


  • source-vm: The name or URL of the source VM to clone from.
  • vm-name: The desired name for the cloned VM.

Example Output:

Cloning VM source-vm as vm-name...
Cloning completed successfully.

3. Create a new Mac VM from a specific ipsw file

To create a new Mac VM from a specific ipsw file, use the following code:

tart create --from-ipsw=latest|path/to/file.ipsw vm-name

Motivation: Creating a new Mac VM from a specific ipsw file allows you to customize the VM’s operating system and version.


  • latest|path/to/file.ipsw: Either specify “latest” to use the latest available ipsw file or provide the path to a specific ipsw file.
  • vm-name: The desired name for the new VM.

Example Output:

Creating new Mac VM from ipsw file...
New VM created successfully with the name vm-name.

4. Run an existing VM

To run an existing VM, use the following code:

tart run vm-name

Motivation: Running an existing VM enables you to test applications, perform software development, or run specific tasks within a controlled environment.


  • vm-name: The name of the VM you want to run.

Example Output:

Running VM vm-name...
VM is now running and ready for use.

5. Run an existing VM with a specific mounted directory

To run an existing VM with a specific mounted directory, use the following code:

tart run --dir=path/to/directory:/path/to/local_directory vm-name

Motivation: Running a VM with a specific mounted directory allows you to access and share files between your host machine and the VM, facilitating data transfer and synchronization.


  • path/to/directory: The path to the directory in the VM where the local directory will be mounted.
  • /path/to/local_directory: The path to the directory on your host machine that you want to mount into the VM.
  • vm-name: The name of the VM you want to run.

Example Output:

Running VM vm-name with mounted directory...
Mounting /path/to/local_directory into the VM's /path/to/directory...
VM is now running with the directory mounted successfully.

6. List VMs

To list all available VMs, use the following code:

tart list

Motivation: Listing VMs allows you to see the existing VMs on your system and their current status.

Explanation: This command does not require any additional arguments.

Example Output:

Listing available VMs...
- vm-name1: Running
- vm-name2: Stopped
- vm-name3: Running

7. Get IP address of a running VM

To retrieve the IP address of a running VM, use the following code:

tart ip vm-name

Motivation: Obtaining the IP address of a running VM is essential for accessing the VM remotely or interacting with services running within the VM.


  • vm-name: The name of the running VM you want to retrieve the IP address for.

Example Output:

Retrieving IP address of VM vm-name...
IP address:

8. Change a VM’s display resolution

To change a VM’s display resolution, use the following code:

tart set vm-name --display 640x400

Motivation: Changing a VM’s display resolution allows you to adjust the visual output to your preferred screen size or aspect ratio.


  • vm-name: The name of the VM you want to change the display resolution of.
  • 640x400: The desired display resolution in pixels (width x height). Adjust the values according to your needs.

Example Output:

Changing display resolution of VM vm-name...
Display resolution set to 640x400 successfully.

By using the tart command and understanding its various use cases, you can efficiently build, run, and manage macOS and Linux VMs on Apple Silicon, providing a powerful development and testing environment.

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