How to use the command 'task' (with examples)

How to use the command 'task' (with examples)

Task is a command-line to-do list manager that allows users to easily manage their tasks and to-do lists. It provides various functionalities such as adding new tasks, updating task priorities, completing tasks, deleting tasks, and generating reports.

Use Case 1: Add a new task which is due tomorrow


task add description due:tomorrow

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a new task that needs to be added to your to-do list and it is due tomorrow. Adding a due date to your tasks helps in prioritizing and managing your workload effectively.


  • task add specifies that we are adding a new task.
  • description is the description or title of the new task.
  • due:tomorrow sets the due date for the task as tomorrow.

Example Output:

Created task 1.

Use Case 2: Update a task’s priority


task task_id modify priority:H|M|L

Motivation: Changing the priority of a task allows you to adjust its importance and urgency based on your current needs. This can help you focus on tasks that are more critical or time-sensitive.


  • task task_id specifies the task that you want to modify by using its unique identifier.
  • modify tells the command that we want to modify the task.
  • priority:H|M|L changes the priority of the task to either High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L).

Example Output:

Modified task 1.

Use Case 3: Complete a task


task task_id done

Motivation: Marking a task as complete helps you keep track of your progress and provides a sense of accomplishment. It also allows you to filter completed tasks out of your active to-do list, providing a clear view of what still needs to be done.


  • task task_id specifies the task that you want to mark as complete.
  • done signifies that the task has been completed.

Example Output:

Completed task 1.

Use Case 4: Delete a task


task task_id delete

Motivation: There may be situations where a task becomes irrelevant or is no longer needed. Deleting such tasks from your to-do list helps in maintaining its accuracy and reduces clutter.


  • task task_id specifies the task that you want to delete.
  • delete removes the specified task from your to-do list.

Example Output:

Deleted task 1.

Use Case 5: List all open tasks


task list

Motivation: Listing all open tasks provides you with a comprehensive view of the tasks that are currently pending and need your attention. This allows you to prioritize your work and manage your time effectively.


  • list displays all the open tasks in your to-do list.

Example Output:

ID Status  Description            Due       
-- ------- ---------------------- ----------
2  Pending Task 2                 2022-01-01
3  Pending Task 3                 2022-01-02
4  Pending Task 4                 2022-01-03

Use Case 6: List open tasks due before the end of the week


task list due.before:eow

Motivation: If you have multiple tasks with different due dates, it can be helpful to filter them based on a specific timeframe. Listing open tasks due before the end of the week provides you with a focused view of the tasks that require immediate attention.


  • list displays all the open tasks.
  • due.before:eow filters the tasks based on their due date, showing only the tasks that are due before the end of the week.

Example Output:

ID Status  Description            Due       
-- ------- ---------------------- ----------
2  Pending Task 2                 2022-01-01
3  Pending Task 3                 2022-01-02

Use Case 7: Show a graphical burndown chart, by day


task burndown.daily

Motivation: Visualizing the progress of your tasks can give you insights into your productivity and help you identify any bottlenecks or areas where you need to improve. A graphical burndown chart provides a visual representation of completed and pending tasks over time.


  • burndown.daily generates a graphical burndown chart that shows the progress of tasks on a daily basis.

Example Output:

           |       _______                     
           |      |       |             0        
           |      |       |                     
           |      |       |                     
           ^      ^       ^         ^   
         [09:00] [12:00] [15:00]   [18:00]

Use Case 8: List all reports


task reports

Motivation: Task provides various built-in reports that can give you different perspectives on your tasks and to-do lists. Listing all the available reports allows you to explore different reporting options and choose the one that suits your needs.


  • reports lists all the available reports that you can generate using the task command.

Example Output:

Available reports:

  - blocked     
  - burndown      
  - count       
  - ghistory    
  - history     
  - long        
  - monthly     
  - new         
  - next         
  - old        
  - overdue      
  - recent     
  - recurring      
  - summary    
  - tags        
  - thismonth    
  - thisweek    
  - three       
  - timesheet   
  - timeline    
  - until


By understanding the different use cases of the command ’task’, users can efficiently manage their tasks and to-do lists from the command-line interface. Whether it’s adding new tasks, modifying priorities, completing tasks, or generating reports, ’task’ provides a range of functionalities to enhance task management and productivity.

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