How to use the command 'tb' (with examples)

How to use the command 'tb' (with examples)

The ’tb’ command is a tool for managing tasks and notes across multiple boards. It offers a simple and efficient way to organize your tasks and notes in a systematic manner. With the ability to add, edit, check, move, and archive items, the ’tb’ command provides a comprehensive solution for task and note management.

Use case 1: Add a new task to a board


tb --task "Task description" @board_name

Motivation: The ’tb’ command allows users to add new tasks to a board. This is particularly useful when you want to keep track of the tasks you need to complete and which board they belong to. By specifying the task description and the board name, you can easily add new tasks to the relevant board.


  • --task: This argument is used to specify that a new task is being added.
  • "Task description": This parameter should be replaced with the actual description of the task.
  • @board_name: This parameter should be replaced with the name of the board where the task should be added.

Example output: The new task with the provided description will be added to the specified board, allowing you to easily keep track of it.

Use case 2: Add a new note to a board


tb --note "Note description" @board_name

Motivation: Adding notes to a board is helpful when you want to record important information or reminders. By using the ’tb’ command, you can conveniently add new notes to a specific board. This ensures that all your notes are organized and easily accessible.


  • --note: This argument is used to indicate that a new note is being added.
  • "Note description": This parameter should be replaced with the actual description of the note.
  • @board_name: This parameter should be replaced with the name of the board where the note should be added.

Example output: The new note with the provided description will be added to the specified board, allowing you to refer to it whenever needed.

Use case 3: Edit item’s priority


tb --priority @item_id priority

Motivation: Sometimes, the priority of a task or note may change, and it is important to update it accordingly. The ’tb’ command offers the functionality to edit the priority of an item. This enables you to prioritize your tasks and notes based on their importance or urgency.


  • --priority: This argument is used to modify the priority of an item.
  • @item_id: This parameter should be replaced with the ID of the item you want to edit.
  • priority: This parameter should be replaced with the desired priority value. The priority can be any number or label that signifies the relative importance or urgency of the item.

Example output: The priority of the specified item will be updated to the provided value, allowing you to easily identify and prioritize tasks and notes.

Use case 4: Check/uncheck item


tb --check item_id

Motivation: Checking or unchecking an item is useful to keep track of its completion status. The ’tb’ command allows you to mark an item as checked, indicating that it has been completed, or uncheck it to signify that it is still in progress. This helps you visualize your progress and stay organized.


  • --check: This argument is used to check or uncheck an item.
  • item_id: This parameter should be replaced with the ID of the item you want to check or uncheck.

Example output: The item with the specified ID will be marked as checked or unchecked depending on the command, providing a clear indication of its completion status.

Use case 5: Archive all checked items


tb --clear

Motivation: Archiving checked items allows you to remove them from your current view without deleting them permanently. The ’tb’ command lets you easily archive all checked items, reducing clutter and providing a clean workspace for tasks and notes that are still active.


  • --clear: This argument is used to archive all checked items.

Example output: All checked items will be archived, removing them from the current view and organizing them separately for future reference if needed.

Use case 6: Move item to a board


tb --move @item_id board_name

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to move an item from one board to another to better categorize your tasks or notes. The ’tb’ command offers the capability to easily move an item to a different board, ensuring that your items are organized according to your desired structure.


  • --move: This argument is used to move an item to a new board.
  • @item_id: This parameter should be replaced with the ID of the item you want to move.
  • board_name: This parameter should be replaced with the name of the board where the item should be moved to.

Example output: The specified item will be moved to the specified board, allowing you to reorganize your tasks and notes based on your preferences.


The ’tb’ command provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for managing tasks and notes across multiple boards. With the ability to add, edit, check, move, and archive items, it offers a versatile solution for task and note management. By utilizing these capabilities, you can effectively organize and track your tasks and notes, resulting in improved productivity and organization.

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