How to use the command 'tcc' (with examples)

How to use the command 'tcc' (with examples)

The ’tcc’ command is a tiny C compiler that can be used to compile and run C source files. It supports a variety of command-line options similar to ‘gcc’. It provides a lightweight and efficient way to compile and execute C programs.


tcc -o executable_name path/to/file1.c path/to/file2.c

Motivation: One common use case for the ’tcc’ command is to compile and link multiple source files to create an executable. This can be useful when working on larger C projects that are split across multiple files.


  • ‘-o executable_name’: This option specifies the output file name for the generated executable.
  • ‘path/to/file1.c path/to/file2.c’: These are the paths to the source files that need to be compiled and linked.

Example output: If the compilation and linking are successful, an executable file called ’executable_name’ will be generated in the current directory.

Use case 2: Directly run an input file like a script and pass arguments to it


tcc -run path/to/source_file.c arguments

Motivation: Sometimes it is desirable to run a C source file as if it were a script, passing command-line arguments to it. The ’tcc’ command allows you to do exactly that, making it convenient for testing and quick prototyping.


  • ‘-run’: This option instructs ’tcc’ to directly execute the input source file.
  • ‘path/to/source_file.c’: This is the path to the C source file that you want to run.
  • ‘arguments’: These are the command-line arguments that you want to pass to the source file.

Example output: The C source file will be compiled and executed, with the specified command-line arguments passed to it.

Use case 3: Interpret C source files with a shebang inside the file


#!/full/path/to/tcc -run

Motivation: Using a shebang (#!) inside a C source file allows you to directly execute the file as a script without having to explicitly invoke the ’tcc’ command. This can make your C programs more portable and easier to distribute.


  • ‘#!/full/path/to/tcc -run’: This shebang line at the beginning of the C source file specifies the path to the ’tcc’ command and the ‘-run’ option. It tells the operating system to use ’tcc’ to execute the file.

Example output: When you run the C source file as a script, the code will be interpreted and executed directly.


The ’tcc’ command provides a convenient way to compile and run C source files. Whether you need to compile multiple source files, execute a source file like a script, or use a shebang to interpret C source files, ’tcc’ offers a versatile set of options. This article has outlined three common use cases along with their corresponding code, motivations, explanations, and example outputs, demonstrating the flexibility and power of the ’tcc’ command.

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