How to Use the Command 'tea' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'tea' (with Examples)

The tea command is a versatile tool designed to facilitate interactions with Gitea servers. Gitea, a self-hosted Git service, allows users to manage their Git repositories with ease. The tea command acts as an interface for various actions, making it simpler to perform tasks from the command line without needing to navigate the web interface. Here’s how you can leverage tea to streamline your workflow.

Use case 1: Log into a Gitea server


tea login add --name "name" --url "url" --token "token"

Motivation: Logging into a Gitea server is the first step in managing your repositories, issues, and pull requests using the tea command. By authenticating with the server, you gain the necessary permissions to access and modify resources, providing a seamless experience.


  • login add: This subcommand adds a new login entry for a Gitea server.
  • --name "name": Specifies a friendly name for the Gitea server login, enabling easy identification amongst multiple logins.
  • --url "url": This is the URL of the Gitea server you wish to connect to, signifying where your repositories are hosted.
  • --token "token": Your personal access token, required for authenticating against the server. It typically includes permissions for various actions.

Example Output:

Successfully logged in as 'name' to 'url'

Use case 2: Display all repositories


tea repos ls

Motivation: Listing all repositories provides a quick overview of the projects you have access to, allowing you to monitor, select, and work on them as needed. This step is crucial for project management and prioritization.


  • repos ls: This command lists all repositories you have access to. It fetches and displays the repository names and possible related information, depending on configuration.

Example Output:

name                     | owner    | description
example-repo             | user     | An example repository

Use case 3: Display a list of issues


tea issues ls

Motivation: Viewing a list of issues helps track bug reports, feature requests, and other tasks. It is crucial for maintaining teams aligned on the tasks at hand, ensuring efficiency in resolving problems and delivering features.


  • issues ls: Lists all issues across your repositories, displaying open or closed issues depending on filters.

Example Output:

# | title                 | repo             | status 
1 | Bug fix required      | example-repo     | Open

Use case 4: Display a list of issues for a specific repository


tea issues ls --repo "repository"

Motivation: Focusing on issues within a specific repository allows for more targeted project management. This approach aids in quickly identifying and addressing tasks related to a particular project without distractions from other repositories.


  • issues ls: Same as the previous example, lists issues.
  • --repo "repository": The argument specifies the repository for which you wish to see the list of issues, allowing for a focused view.

Example Output:

# | title                 | status  
2 | Add documentation     | Open   

Use case 5: Create a new issue


tea issues create --title "title" --body "body"

Motivation: Creating an issue is fundamental for noting bugs, enhancements, or tasks. It helps manage what needs to be done, ensuring none of the tasks are overlooked or forgotten.


  • issues create: Initiates the creation of a new issue.
  • --title "title": The title of the issue, serving as a concise summary.
  • --body "body": Detailed description of the issue, providing context and specifics.

Example Output:

Issue created: #5 "Add linux support"

Use case 6: Display a list of open pull requests


tea pulls ls

Motivation: Examining open pull requests is vital during code reviews or before merging changes, ensuring only quality code is integrated into the main codebase. It’s a crucial step in collaborative development.


  • pulls ls: This lists all open pull requests that are awaiting review or merging.

Example Output:

# | title                 | repo             | status
7 | Update README         | example-repo     | Open

Use case 7: Open the current repository in a browser


tea open

Motivation: Quickly accessing the web interface of a repository in your browser can be more intuitive for certain tasks. It provides a graphical view of the project, which might be useful for viewing complex data or settings not easily manageable from the command line.


  • open: Opens the current repository in the default web browser, providing a graphical interface for further interaction.

Example Output:

Opened URL:


The tea command is a powerful tool for managing self-hosted Git repositories on Gitea servers from the command line. Each command takes specific arguments that accomplish a wide range of tasks, making it invaluable for developers seeking efficient project management in a streamlined manner. By implementing these examples, users can significantly enhance their workflow in interacting with repositories, issues, and pull requests.

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