How to use the command 'tectonic' (with examples)

How to use the command 'tectonic' (with examples)

Tectonic is a modern, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine that offers a number of useful features for compiling and building TeX/LaTeX files. This article will guide you through several use cases of the ’tectonic’ command and provide examples for each.

Use case 1: Compile a standalone TeX/LaTeX file


tectonic -X compile path/to/file.tex

Motivation: Compiling a TeX/LaTeX file is necessary to generate the corresponding PDF output. The ’tectonic’ command, when used with the ‘compile’ option, allows you to compile a standalone TeX/LaTeX file easily.


  • ’tectonic’: The command itself.
  • ‘-X compile’: Specifies the compile option to indicate that we want to compile the file.
  • ‘path/to/file.tex’: The path to the TeX/LaTeX file you want to compile.

Example output:

Compilation successful. Output PDF generated: path/to/file.pdf

Use case 2: Compile a standalone TeX/LaTeX file with synctex data


tectonic -X compile --synctex path/to/file.tex

Motivation: Adding synctex data to a TeX/LaTeX file allows for efficient navigation between the source file and the corresponding PDF output. By using the ‘–synctex’ option, ’tectonic’ will generate synctex data along with the PDF output.


  • ’tectonic’: The command itself.
  • ‘-X compile’: Specifies the compile option to indicate that we want to compile the file.
  • ‘–synctex’: Enables the generation of synctex data.
  • ‘path/to/file.tex’: The path to the TeX/LaTeX file you want to compile.

Example output:

Compilation successful. Output PDF generated: path/to/file.pdf
Synctex data generated: path/to/file.synctex.gz

Use case 3: Initialize a tectonic project in the current directory


tectonic -X init

Motivation: Initializing a tectonic project in the current directory allows you to easily manage and build your TeX/LaTeX projects using ’tectonic’. It sets up the necessary configuration files and directory structure for a project.


  • ’tectonic’: The command itself.
  • ‘-X init’: Specifies the init option to initialize a tectonic project.

Example output:

Project initialized successfully.

Use case 4: Initialize a tectonic project in the specified directory


tectonic -X new project_name

Motivation: Using the ’new’ option allows you to create a new tectonic project in a specific directory. This is useful when you want to create a project in a location other than the current directory.


  • ’tectonic’: The command itself.
  • ‘-X new’: Specifies the new option to create a new tectonic project.
  • ‘project_name’: The name of the project and the directory in which it will be created.

Example output:

Project 'project_name' created successfully in: /path/to/project_name

Use case 5: Build the project in the current directory


tectonic -X build

Motivation: Building a tectonic project compiles all the TeX/LaTeX files within the project directory and creates the corresponding PDF outputs. It helps to ensure that all the files in your project are up-to-date and in sync.


  • ’tectonic’: The command itself.
  • ‘-X build’: Specifies the build option to build the project.

Example output:

Project built successfully. Output PDFs generated for all files in the project.

Use case 6: Start a watcher to build the project on change


tectonic -X watch

Motivation: Starting a watcher with ’tectonic’ allows you to automatically build the project whenever there are changes made to the TeX/LaTeX files. This provides a convenient way to continuously compile your project while you work on it.


  • ’tectonic’: The command itself.
  • ‘-X watch’: Specifies the watch option to start a watcher.

Example output:

Watcher started successfully. Project will be built on file changes.


The ’tectonic’ command provides a modern and convenient way to compile, build, and manage TeX/LaTeX projects. By understanding and utilizing its various options, you can streamline your TeX/LaTeX workflow and achieve efficient document generation.

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