How to use the command 'terminalizer' (with examples)

How to use the command 'terminalizer' (with examples)

Terminalizer is a utility program that allows users to record their terminal activities and generate either animated GIFs or videos. It provides several commands that can be used to initialize the global config directory, record the terminal, play recorded files, render files as animated GIFs, and upload videos to

Use case 1: Create the global config directory


terminalizer init

Motivation: When using Terminalizer for the first time, it is necessary to initialize the global configuration directory. This command creates the necessary directory in the user’s home directory, where the global configurations will be stored.

Explanation: The init command is used to create the global config directory for Terminalizer. It does not require any arguments.

Example output:

Global config directory created at: /Users/user/.terminalizer

Use case 2: Record the terminal and create a recording file


terminalizer record path/to/file

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to record your terminal activities and save them for later use. By recording the terminal, you can create a recording file that captures all the commands and outputs.

Explanation: The record command is used to record the terminal and create a recording file. The path/to/file argument specifies the path and name of the output file that will be generated.

Example output:

Terminal recording saved to: path/to/file

Use case 3: Play a recorded file on the terminal


terminalizer play path/to/file

Motivation: Playing a recorded file allows you to review the terminal session. It is useful for checking the recorded commands and their outputs, especially when you need to replicate the steps taken during a previous session.

Explanation: The play command is used to play a recorded file on the terminal. The path/to/file argument specifies the path and name of the recorded file that will be played.

Example output:

The recorded file is being played on the terminal.

Use case 4: Render a recording file as an animated GIF image


terminalizer render path/to/file

Motivation: Rendering a recording file as an animated GIF image allows you to easily share your terminal activities with others. It can be used to create presentations, tutorials, or documentation.

Explanation: The render command is used to render a recording file as an animated GIF image. The path/to/file argument specifies the path and name of the recording file that will be rendered.

Example output:

Recording file rendered as an animated GIF image: path/to/file.gif

Use case 5: Upload a video to


terminalizer share path/to/file

Motivation: Uploading a video to allows you to showcase your terminal activities publicly. It can be useful for sharing demos, tutorials, or troubleshooting steps with others.

Explanation: The share command is used to upload a video to The path/to/file argument specifies the path and name of the video file that will be uploaded.

Example output:

Video uploaded to and accessible at:


Terminalizer is a command-line utility that offers useful functionalities for recording and sharing terminal activities. With the provided commands, users can easily initialize the global config directory, record their terminal sessions, play recordings, render to animated GIFs, and upload videos to Whether for personal use or sharing with others, Terminalizer provides an efficient and convenient solution for capturing and showcasing terminal activities.

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