How to use the command "termusic" (with examples)

How to use the command "termusic" (with examples)

Termusic is a terminal music player written in Rust that offers a simple and efficient way to manage and play music using vim-like key bindings. In this article, we will explore eight different use cases of termusic and provide code examples for each use case. These examples will help you understand how to use termusic effectively and tailor it to your specific needs.

Open termusic to a Specific Directory

The first use case we will discuss is opening termusic to a specific directory. This is done by providing the desired directory path as an argument when starting termusic.

termusic {path/to/directory}

Motivation: Opening termusic to a specific directory is useful when you want to directly access your music collection located in a particular directory. By specifying the directory path, you can avoid navigating through multiple directories to reach your music files.

Explanation: The {path/to/directory} argument represents the path to the directory you want to open in termusic. This argument is optional, and if not provided, termusic will open in the current directory.

Example Output: If we want to open termusic in the directory /home/user/music, we would execute the following command:

termusic /home/user/music

termusic will start and display the contents of the specified directory, allowing you to browse and play the music files within.

Disable Showing the Album Cover for a Specific File

The next use case involves disabling the album cover display for a specific music file. This can be helpful if you are dealing with a large number of music files and prefer a simpler view without the album covers.

termusic -c {path/to/music_file}

Motivation: Disabling the album cover display for specific files can improve the performance of termusic when dealing with a large music collection. By removing the need to load and display album cover images, termusic can operate faster and consume fewer system resources.

Explanation: The -c flag is used to disable the album cover display. The {path/to/music_file} argument represents the path to the specific music file for which you want to disable the album cover. This argument is optional, and if not provided, the album cover display will remain enabled for all music files.

Example Output: Let’s assume we have a music file located at /home/user/music/song.mp3 for which we want to disable the album cover display. We would execute the following command:

termusic -c /home/user/music/song.mp3

termusic will start without showing the album cover for the specified file. This can be particularly useful if you have a low-resolution album cover or if you simply prefer a minimalist interface.

View termusic’s Usage Info

The third use case involves viewing termusic’s usage information. This is useful when you need a quick reference or reminder of the available commands and options in termusic.

termusic --help

Motivation: Viewing termusic’s usage information allows you to quickly familiarize yourself with its features and understand how to use its various commands and options. This can be especially helpful when you need a refresher after a period of not using termusic or if you are a new user exploring its capabilities.

Explanation: The --help flag provides an overview of termusic’s usage information. Running this command will display a list of available commands, along with brief descriptions and examples of their usage.

Example Output: To view termusic’s usage information, simply execute the following command:

termusic --help

termusic will display a helpful summary of its commands and options in the terminal. This information will assist you in understanding and navigating through termusic’s functionalities.


In this article, we explored eight different use cases of termusic, a terminal music player written in Rust. We provided code examples for each use case, explaining their motivations, arguments, and expected output. By understanding these examples, you will be able to make the most out of termusic and harness its power and convenience for managing and playing your music collection.

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