How to Use the Command 'textutil' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'textutil' (with Examples)

  • Osx
  • December 17, 2024

The textutil command is a versatile utility in macOS designed for manipulating text files across various formats. It enables users to effortlessly view information, convert between different text formats, and perform batch operations on multiple files. Whether dealing with RTF, HTML, or plain text, textutil provides a suite of options to streamline and automate text file management tasks.

Use Case 1: Display Information About an RTF File


textutil -info path/to/foo.rtf


Retrieving detailed information about a text file is often a critical step in data management and preparation. Knowing the attributes such as the word count, character count, document size, and content metadata of an RTF file can inform decisions about subsequent file operations, editing requirements, or formatting tasks. This command is particularly useful for users needing to audit document files before performing further manipulations.


  • -info: This flag is used to instruct textutil to display basic metadata information about the file, such as its format, character and word counts, and the document size.
  • path/to/foo.rtf: This specifies the path of the RTF file for which you want to obtain information.

Example Output:

File: path/to/foo.rtf
Type: RTF
Header Info: ...
Word Count: 350
Character Count: 2000
Bytes: ...

Use Case 2: Convert RTF to HTML


textutil -convert html path/to/foo.rtf


Converting an RTF file to an HTML format is essential when you want to publish or share document content on the web. The HTML format is widely supported by web browsers and allows rich styling. This transformation is particularly beneficial for users who need to distribute documents in a manner that is easily accessible online while ensuring that format styling is preserved.


  • -convert html: Specifies that the file should be converted to HTML format.
  • path/to/foo.rtf: The path to the RTF file that you want to convert to HTML.

Example Output:

The command will create a new file named foo.html in the same directory as foo.rtf containing the converted content. It won’t have a textual output in the terminal, but the HTML file will be ready for use.

Use Case 3: Convert Rich Text to Normal Text


textutil path/to/foo.rtf -convert txt


Converting rich text to plain text is a fundamental need when simplifying content for use in plain-text environments like command-line interfaces or certain data processing applications. This use case is important for reducing complexity, removing formatting, and ensuring content compatibility with systems or software that require plain text input.


  • path/to/foo.rtf: Specifies the RTF file to be converted.
  • -convert txt: Asks textutil to convert the document into plain text format, removing all formatting and only retaining the text content.

Example Output:

Similarly, this command creates a foo.txt file that contains only the unformatted text from foo.rtf.

Use Case 4: Convert TXT to RTF with Specific Font


textutil -convert rtf -font Times -fontsize 10 path/to/foo.txt


When preparing a document for formal printing or presentation, adding style elements like custom fonts and font sizes is often necessary. Converting a plain text file into an RTF with a specified font and size is essential for enhancing readability and meeting aesthetic or branding standards.


  • -convert rtf: Converts the document to RTF format, which supports styling and fonts.
  • -font Times: Specifies the use of the “Times” font for the converted document.
  • -fontsize 10: Sets the font size to 10 points.
  • path/to/foo.txt: Points to the plain text file to be converted and styled.

Example Output:

This will output foo.rtf, containing the content of foo.txt styled in Times font at size 10, ready for use in word processors that support RTF.

Use Case 5: Concatenate RTF Files and Output as HTML


textutil -cat html -title "Several Files" -output path/to/index.html *.rtf


Combining multiple RTF documents into a single HTML file is especially useful in scenarios such as compiling documentation or reports. This aggregation makes it easier to manage and distribute content as a cohesive whole, leveraging the benefits of HTML for distribution via the web or digital platforms.


  • -cat html: Directs textutil to concatenate the content of the RTF files and convert them into HTML.
  • -title "Several Files": Sets the HTML document’s title to “Several Files”.
  • -output path/to/index.html: Specifies the output file’s path and name for the concatenated result.
  • *.rtf: A wildcard that selects all RTF files in the current directory for inclusion.

Example Output:

The command creates a single HTML file, index.html, with a title “Several Files”, containing the merged content of all RTF files from the designated directory.


The textutil command on macOS is a powerful tool for handling various text format conversions and manipulations. Through a range of versatile commands, users can gain insights into file details, convert file formats for specific applications, and efficiently manage multiple files. Each use case represents a practical application that simplifies document processing tasks.

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