How to use the command thinkjettopbm (with examples)

How to use the command thinkjettopbm (with examples)

The thinkjettopbm command is used to convert a HP ThinkJet printer commands file to a Portable Bitmap (PBM) file. This command is part of the Netpbm suite, which is a set of computer programs that manipulate and transform graphic images.

Use case 1: Convert a HP ThinkJet printer commands file to a PBM file


thinkjettopbm path/to/input > path/to/output.pbm

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to convert a ThinkJet printer commands file into a more widely supported format like PBM. By converting the file to PBM, it can be easily viewed and manipulated using various image editing software.


  • thinkjettopbm: The name of the command used for converting the ThinkJet printer commands file to a PBM file.
  • path/to/input: The path to the ThinkJet printer commands file that needs to be converted.
  • path/to/output.pbm: The path where the converted PBM file will be saved.

Example output: The output of the command will be a PBM file saved at the specified output path.

Use case 2: Print debug information to stderr


thinkjettopbm -d path/to/input > path/to/output.pbm

Motivation: The motivation for using this example is to troubleshoot any issues encountered during the conversion process. By enabling debug mode, the command will provide detailed information about each step it takes, helping to identify and resolve any problems.


  • thinkjettopbm: The name of the command used for converting the ThinkJet printer commands file to a PBM file.
  • -d: An optional argument that enables debug mode, printing debug information to stderr.
  • path/to/input: The path to the ThinkJet printer commands file that needs to be converted.
  • path/to/output.pbm: The path where the converted PBM file will be saved.

Example output: The output will be the same as in the previous use case, a PBM file saved at the specified output path. Additionally, debug information will be printed to stderr, providing insights into the conversion process and any encountered issues.


The thinkjettopbm command is a useful tool for converting ThinkJet printer commands files to the widely supported PBM format. It offers the flexibility to convert files with debug information if needed, making it a reliable solution for image manipulation and troubleshooting.

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