Mastering the 'tic' Command (with examples)

Mastering the 'tic' Command (with examples)

The tic command is a crucial utility in the Unix/Linux environment used chiefly for managing terminal information compilations. It stands for “terminfo compiler” and its primary role is to transform terminal descriptions into a binary format that the terminal can understand and work with harmoniously. This tool is particularly important in environments that make heavy use of text-based interfaces, ensuring that applications can query and communicate with the terminal reliably.

Use case 1: Compile and install terminfo for a terminal


tic -xe terminal path/to/


When working with custom terminal definitions or upgrading terminal capabilities, you may need to compile and install a new terminfo entry. For instance, if you’ve updated your terminal to support additional colors or features, you’d want to ensure these changes are recognized. This command transforms the human-readable terminal description into a compiled format that ncurses can use, essentially teaching the system about the terminal’s capabilities and ensuring your applications leverage them correctly.


  • -x: This option extends the terminfo description capabilities allowing the inclusion of user-defined capabilities not present in the standard database. This is particularly useful for non-standard terminals with unique requirements.
  • -e terminal: This specifies compiling and installing only the entries named by the terminal. It’s an optimization to process only relevant entries instead of all entries within the file.
  • path/to/ This is the path to the source file containing the terminal description. It is the blueprint for the terminal’s capabilities that tic will use to compile and install.

Example Output:

"terminal": 31 entries written to path

This indicates that the tic command successfully processed the terminal description and installed it. The number of entries confirms that the new configuration is now active.

Use case 2: Check terminfo file for errors


tic -c path/to/


Before deploying a terminfo file, it’s critical to ensure that there are no syntax errors or invalid entries in the description. The -c flag allows developers and system administrators to verify a terminfo file’s integrity before it’s put into use, thus preventing potentially troublesome misconfigurations that could disrupt terminal operations or cause unexpected behavior in applications relying on terminal features.


  • -c: This option instructs tic to run in check-only mode. Instead of compiling the terminfo source file, it only checks for syntax errors and other issues.
  • path/to/ The path to the terminfo source file that is to be checked for errors.

Example Output:

No errors detected in path/to/

This output signifies that no syntax issues or invalid entries were found, indicating the terminfo file is correctly formatted and ready for compilation and use.

Use case 3: Print database locations


tic -D


Understanding where terminfo databases are stored is crucial for system administrators and developers, especially when dealing with multiple terminal types or dealing with environments utilizing custom databases. Knowledge of these locations allows for quick access to manually inspect, modify, or back up the terminfo files. This information can also assist in debugging scenarios where terminal information doesn’t seem to update as expected, indicating possible issues with file placement within these directories.


  • -D: This option prompts tic to list all directories in which the terminfo databases are stored. This is purely informational and helps to map out where the system expects to find terminfo data.

Example Output:


By providing these paths, tic helps users understand where terminfo data is stored for system-wide use, administration, or user-specific customizations.


Each use case of the tic command empowers users to effectively manage their terminal descriptions by compiling, checking, or identifying storage locations for terminfo files. Through examples and thorough explanations of each command, this article has demonstrated how users can harness the full potential of the tic command to optimize terminal interactions and maintain a seamless environment for text-based applications. Whether you’re fine-tuning terminal capabilities or managing system-wide configurations, understanding these use cases will make you a more proficient operator in terminal management.

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