tic (with examples)

tic (with examples)

1: Compile and install terminfo for a terminal


tic -xe terminal path/to/terminal.info


Compiling and installing the terminfo for a specific terminal is necessary to ensure that the terminal emulator or the terminal hardware is recognized correctly. By compiling and installing the terminfo, we are providing the necessary information about the terminal’s capabilities to programs that rely on the terminfo database.


  • -x: This flag is used to update the existing terminfo entry for the specified terminal.
  • -e: Specifies that the compiled terminfo should be installed for the current user, not system-wide.
  • terminal: Replace this with the name of the terminal for which the terminfo file is being compiled.
  • path/to/terminal.info: Replace this with the path to the terminfo file for the specified terminal.

Example Output:

Compiled terminfo entry for terminal 'xterm-256color' in the user's terminfo database.

2: Check terminfo file for errors


tic -c path/to/terminal.info


Before installing a terminfo file, it is essential to ensure that the file is free from any errors. Checking the terminfo file helps in identifying and debugging any issues that might cause programs to malfunction or not recognize the terminal’s capabilities correctly.


  • -c: This flag is used to check the specified terminfo file for errors.
  • path/to/terminal.info: Replace this with the path to the terminfo file that needs to be checked.

Example Output:

The terminfo file 'path/to/terminal.info' is error-free.

3: Print database locations


tic -D


Knowing the locations of the terminfo databases can be useful when troubleshooting issues related to terminal capabilities. It helps verify if the correct databases are being used by the system and allows customization by modifying or adding entries.


  • -D: This flag is used to print the paths of the terminfo databases.

Example Output:

System database path: /usr/share/terminfo
User database path: /home/user/.terminfo
Compiled database extensions path: /usr/lib/terminfo

By using the above examples, you can effectively compile and install terminfo files specific to terminals, check for errors in terminfo files, and retrieve the database locations for further customization or troubleshooting purposes.

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