How to use the command 'timed' (with examples)

How to use the command 'timed' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The timed command is a service that synchronizes the system time by using Network Time Protocol (NTP). It helps ensure that the system time is accurate and in sync with other devices on the network. It is not intended to be manually invoked.

Use case 1: Start the daemon



Motivation: Starting the timed daemon is necessary to ensure that the system time is synchronized with a reliable time server. This is important for various system functions that rely on accurate timekeeping, such as logging, authentication, and event sequencing.

Explanation: The timed command is used to start the daemon that synchronizes the system time. By running this command, the timed service will be initialized and will periodically update the system time using NTP.

Example output:

timed: Started

Conclusion: Starting the timed daemon is essential for maintaining accurate system time synchronization and ensuring the proper functioning of time-dependent system operations.


Although the “timed” command has been mentioned here merely to cover the potential possibilities of the command, the actual command is “systemctl start systemd-timedated.service”, which is a service of the systemd system and service manager. It is recommended to use the proper command to start the timed service on your specific system, as the exact command may vary depending on the distribution and version you are using.

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