How to use the command "timetrap" (with examples)

How to use the command "timetrap" (with examples)

Timetrap is a simple command-line time tracker written in Ruby. It allows users to easily track and manage their time. This article will provide examples of different use cases of the Timetrap command.

Use case 1: Create a new timesheet


timetrap sheet timesheet

Motivation: Creating a new timesheet is the first step to starting a new project. By using the command timetrap sheet, a new timesheet named “timesheet” will be created.


  • timetrap: invokes the Timetrap command.
  • sheet: specifies the task to create a new timesheet.
  • timesheet: the name of the new timesheet to be created.

Example output:

Timesheet 'timesheet' created successfully.

Use case 2: Check in an entry started 5 minutes ago


timetrap in --at "5 minutes ago" entry_notes

Motivation: Sometimes, we may forget to start tracking our time. By utilizing the timetrap in command with the --at option, we can easily check in an entry with the correct start time.


  • timetrap: invokes the Timetrap command.
  • in: specifies the task to check in a new entry.
  • --at "5 minutes ago": sets the start time of the entry to 5 minutes ago.
  • entry_notes: additional notes or description for the entry.

Example output:

Entry checked in: Started 5 minutes ago

Use case 3: Display the current timesheet


timetrap display

Motivation: It is important to have an overview of the current timesheet to understand the progress made or to review the time spent on specific tasks. The timetrap display command allows users to view the current timesheet in a readable format.


  • timetrap: invokes the Timetrap command.
  • display: specifies the task to display the current timesheet.

Example output:

Current Timesheet:
 - Entry 1: [10:00am - 11:30am] Task A
 - Entry 2: [12:00pm - 1:00pm] Task B
 - Entry 3: [2:00pm - 3:30pm] Task C

Use case 4: Edit the last entry’s end time


timetrap edit --end time

Motivation: Sometimes, we may make mistakes when tracking our time. By using the timetrap edit command with the --end option, we can update the end time of the last entry to reflect the correct duration.


  • timetrap: invokes the Timetrap command.
  • edit: specifies the task to edit an entry.
  • --end time: sets the new end time for the last entry to “time”.

Example output:

End time of the last entry updated successfully.


The Timetrap command is a powerful tool for time tracking and management. With the provided examples, users can create timesheets, check in entries with accurate start times, display the current timesheet, and edit entry end times. By utilizing Timetrap, users can effectively track and manage their time for better productivity and project management.

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