How to use the command 'timidity' (with examples)

How to use the command 'timidity' (with examples)

Timidity is a command-line tool used for playing and converting MIDI files. It provides functionality to not only play a MIDI file but also convert it to different audio formats like PCM (WAV) and FLAC. The command provides various options such as playing a MIDI file in a loop, playing a MIDI file in a specific key, and converting a MIDI file to different audio formats.

Use case 1: Play a MIDI file


timidity path/to/file.mid


Playing a MIDI file using Timidity is useful if you want to listen to the music or check the tempo and arrangement of the MIDI composition without any further processing. This command allows you to easily play a MIDI file without relying on a dedicated music player.


The command timidity is followed by the path to the MIDI file you want to play. Timidity will read the MIDI file and play it using the default soundfont.

Example output:

The MIDI file will start playing, and you will hear the music through the speakers or headphones connected to your computer.

Use case 2: Play a MIDI file in a loop


timidity --loop path/to/file.mid


Playing a MIDI file in a loop can be helpful if you want to continuously listen to a particular piece of music, study its composition, or practice a musical instrument alongside it. This command eliminates the need to manually restart the playback after the file ends.


The command timidity is followed by the --loop option, which instructs Timidity to play the MIDI file in a loop. The path to the MIDI file should be provided after the options.

Example output:

The MIDI file will play repeatedly in a loop until you stop the command.

Use case 3: Play a MIDI file in a specific key


timidity --force-keysig=-flats|+sharps path/to/file.mid


Playing a MIDI file in a specific key allows you to listen to the music in a different tonality, which can provide a fresh perspective or better suit your preferences. This command is useful if you want to explore different key signatures without modifying the original MIDI file.


The command timidity is followed by the --force-keysig option, which determines the key signature in which the MIDI file will be played. The argument -flats or +sharps specifies the number of flats or sharps for the desired key. For example, -1 represents the key of F major/D minor, while +1 represents the key of G major/E minor.

Example output:

The MIDI file will play in the specified key signature, reflecting any alterations in notes and chords according to the selected key.

Use case 4: Convert a MIDI file to PCM (WAV) audio


timidity --output-mode=w --output-file=path/to/file.wav path/to/file.mid


Converting a MIDI file to PCM (WAV) audio is beneficial if you want to extract the sound from a MIDI composition and use it in other applications or devices that do not support MIDI. This command allows you to create a WAV file from the MIDI file, which can be easily played or edited using various audio software.


The command timidity is followed by the options --output-mode=w to specify the output mode as WAV. The --output-file option is used to define the path and filename of the output WAV file. The path to the input MIDI file is provided at the end.

Example output:

The MIDI file will be converted to a WAV audio file, saved at the specified location. You can then access the resulting WAV file and play it using any audio player.

Use case 5: Convert a MIDI file to FLAC audio


timidity --output-mode=F --output-file=path/to/file.flac path/to/file.mid


Converting a MIDI file to FLAC audio format can be helpful for preserving the quality of the audio while reducing its file size. FLAC is a lossless audio codec that provides high-quality audio compression. This command allows you to convert the MIDI file to FLAC, making it suitable for storing and sharing.


The command timidity is followed by the options --output-mode=F to specify the output mode as FLAC. The --output-file option is used to define the path and filename of the output FLAC file. The path to the input MIDI file is provided at the end.

Example output:

The MIDI file will be converted to a FLAC audio file, saved at the specified location. The resulting FLAC file will maintain the quality of the original MIDI composition while occupying less storage space compared to the uncompressed audio formats.


The timidity command is a versatile tool for playing and converting MIDI files. It allows you to easily play MIDI files, create loops, change the key signature, and convert the MIDI files to different audio formats like WAV and FLAC. By understanding the various use cases and applying the appropriate options, you can make the most out of Timidity and enhance your experience with MIDI files.

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