Ensuring TeX Live Installation Consistency with 'tlmgr check' (with examples)

Ensuring TeX Live Installation Consistency with 'tlmgr check' (with examples)

The tlmgr check command is a crucial tool for TeX Live users who need to maintain the integrity and functionality of their TeX Live installation. TeX Live is a comprehensive TeX distribution widely used for typesetting documents, and ensuring that all components are correctly installed and consistent is essential for a seamless user experience. The tlmgr check command provides several options for verifying this consistency by checking the installation’s various aspects, such as dependencies, executable files, and more.

Use case 1: Check the Consistency of the Entire TeX Live Installation


tlmgr check all


Running a comprehensive check of the entire TeX Live installation ensures that all installed packages and files are correctly implemented and no issues lurk within the system. This is particularly useful for users who have recently performed a bulk installation or update, as it can identify any systemic problems that might have arisen.


  • tlmgr: This is the TeX Live Manager, a tool used to manage TeX Live installations.
  • check: This sub-command initiates a consistency check on the TeX Live installation.
  • all: The ‘all’ argument specifies that the command should check every aspect of the TeX Live installation, including dependencies, files, executables, and more.

Example Output:

Checking all repositories...
Everything seems to be consistent.

Use case 2: Verbose Consistency Check of the Whole TeX Live Installation


tlmgr check all -v


For users who need more detailed insights into the state of their TeX Live installation, the verbose mode provides additional information about each step the check performs. This is beneficial for troubleshooting specific issues or understanding the internal consistency check process more thoroughly.


  • -v: By adding this flag, the command runs in verbose mode, providing detailed output for each component and step involved in the consistency check.

Example Output:

Checking all repositories...
[info] Checking package: amsfonts
[info] Package amsfonts is consistent.
All packages are consistent.

Use case 3: Check for Missing Dependencies


tlmgr check depends


Dependencies are crucial for software packages to function correctly. If a package is missing a dependency, it might not perform as expected or could cause the TeX Live installation to break. This command helps pinpoint such issues, allowing users to take corrective actions.


  • depends: This argument instructs tlmgr check to focus specifically on checking whether every package has all its required dependencies in place.

Example Output:

Missing dependency: fontspec needs xetex to be installed.
Please resolve these dependencies for optimal performance.

Use case 4: Verify Presence of All TeX Live Executables


tlmgr check executes


The executables are the components that perform operations within the TeX Live system. Ensuring that all necessary executables are present means the typesetting system will function smoothly without missing essential operations.


  • executes: This specifies that the check should verify whether all the TeX Live executables necessary for the installation to function are present.

Example Output:

All TeX Live executables are present and accounted for.

Use case 5: Check if All Files Listed in the Local TLPDB are Present


tlmgr check files


The TLPDB (TeX Live Package Database) is a comprehensive database of package metadata. Verifying that all files referenced in this database are present ensures that the installation directory is complete and uncorrupted.


  • files: This argument directs the command to verify that the files listed in the local TLPDB are indeed present in the installation, ensuring data integrity.

Example Output:

All files as per the local TLPDB are present.

Use case 6: Identify Duplicate Filenames in the Runfiles Sections


tlmgr check runfiles


Duplicate filenames can sometimes cause conflicts or unexpected behavior in software systems. Checking for duplicates in the runfiles sections ensures a cleaner and more reliable package setup.


  • runfiles: This argument specifies that tlmgr check should only verify duplicate filenames within the runfiles sections of the packages.

Example Output:

No duplicate filenames found in runfiles sections.


The tlmgr check command serves as an invaluable tool for maintaining the health and consistency of a TeX Live installation. Whether you’re a developer, researcher, or academic using TeX, regular checks can prevent potential headaches by ensuring your typesetting environment is robust and dependable. Each use case offers a targeted approach to verify different aspects of the installation, tackling everything from dependencies to file integrity.

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