How to use the command 'tlmgr' (with examples)

How to use the command 'tlmgr' (with examples)

The command ’tlmgr’ is used to manage packages and configuration options of an existing TeX Live installation. It allows users to install, remove, update packages, display information about packages, and access various other configurations.

Use case 1: Install a package and its dependencies


tlmgr install package

Motivation: If you want to add new functionality or features to your TeX Live installation, you can use this command to install a package along with its dependencies.


  • tlmgr is the command itself.
  • install is the subcommand used to install a package.
  • package is the name of the package that you want to install.

Example output:

tlmgr: package repository <repository-url>
tlmgr: saving backups to /path/to/backups
tlmgr: installation location <installation-location>
tlmgr: package <package> installed successfully

Use case 2: Remove a package and its dependencies


tlmgr remove package

Motivation: If you no longer need a particular package or want to free up space on your TeX Live installation, you can use this command to remove the package along with its dependencies.


  • tlmgr is the command itself.
  • remove is the subcommand used to remove a package.
  • package is the name of the package that you want to remove.

Example output:

tlmgr: removing package <package>, dependencies: <dependency1>, <dependency2>
tlmgr: done

Use case 3: Display information about a package


tlmgr info package

Motivation: If you want to know more about a specific package, such as its version, description, or dependencies, you can use this command to display detailed information about the package.


  • tlmgr is the command itself.
  • info is the subcommand used to display information about a package.
  • package is the name of the package that you want to get information about.

Example output:

Package: <package>
Version: <version>
Description: <description>

Use case 4: Update all packages


tlmgr update --all

Motivation: If you want to ensure that all packages in your TeX Live installation are up to date, you can use this command to update all packages.


  • tlmgr is the command itself.
  • update is the subcommand used to update packages.
  • --all is an option that specifies to update all packages.

Example output:

tlmgr: updating package <package1>
tlmgr: updating package <package2>
tlmgr: done

Use case 5: Show possible updates without updating anything


tlmgr update --list

Motivation: If you want to see a list of packages that have updates available without actually updating anything, you can use this command.


  • tlmgr is the command itself.
  • update is the subcommand used to update packages.
  • --list is an option that specifies to only list packages with available updates.

Example output:

<package1>, <version1>, <version2>
<package2>, <version3>, <version4>

Use case 6: Start a GUI version of tlmgr


tlmgr gui

Motivation: If you prefer a graphical user interface for managing TeX Live packages, you can use this command to start a GUI version of tlmgr.


  • tlmgr is the command itself.
  • gui is the subcommand used to start the GUI version of tlmgr.

Example output: (Opens a graphical user interface for managing TeX Live packages)

Use case 7: List all TeX Live configurations


tlmgr conf

Motivation: If you want to access and see the configurations of your TeX Live installation, you can use this command to list all available configurations.


  • tlmgr is the command itself.
  • conf is the subcommand used to list all TeX Live configurations.

Example output:



The ’tlmgr’ command is a powerful tool for managing TeX Live packages and configurations. With its various subcommands and options, users can easily install, remove, update packages, view package information, access configurations, and even start a GUI version of tlmgr. Mastery of this command allows for efficient management of TeX Live installations.

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