How to use the command 'tlmgr generate' (with examples)

How to use the command 'tlmgr generate' (with examples)

The ’tlmgr generate’ command is used to remake configuration files from information stored locally in TeX Live. This command is part of TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) and can be used for various purposes, such as customizing configuration files or updating them after making changes. The command accepts different arguments to specify the desired behavior.

Use case 1: Remake the configuration file storing into a specific location


tlmgr generate --dest output_file

Motivation: Sometimes it is necessary to save the generated configuration file to a specific location rather than using the default path. This can be useful, for example, when managing multiple TeX Live installations or when creating backups of the configuration file.

Explanation: The ‘–dest’ argument followed by the desired output file path specifies the location where the configuration file should be saved.

Example output:

The configuration file has been successfully generated and saved to /path/to/output_file.

Use case 2: Remake the configuration file using a local configuration file


tlmgr generate --localcfg local_configuration_file

Motivation: In some cases, it is necessary to use a local configuration file to customize the TeX Live configuration. This can be useful when specific settings or options need to be applied globally across the TeX Live installation.

Explanation: The ‘–localcfg’ argument followed by the path to a local configuration file instructs the ’tlmgr generate’ command to use the provided file instead of the default configuration.

Example output:

The configuration file has been successfully generated using the local configuration file /path/to/local_configuration_file.

Use case 3: Run necessary programs after rebuilding configuration files


tlmgr generate --rebuild-sys

Motivation: After remaking the configuration files, it may be necessary to run certain programs or perform specific tasks to ensure that the changes take effect. This typically involves updating cached data or restarting services.

Explanation: The ‘–rebuild-sys’ argument tells the ’tlmgr generate’ command to execute any necessary system-level actions after the configuration files have been remade.

Example output:

The configuration files have been successfully remade. System-level actions have been executed to apply the changes.


The ’tlmgr generate’ command provides a flexible way to handle configuration files in TeX Live. By understanding how to specify the output location, use a local configuration file, or run system-level actions, users can customize and update their TeX Live installations according to their specific needs.

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