Using the 'tlmgr repository' Command (with examples)

Using the 'tlmgr repository' Command (with examples)

List all configured repositories and their tags (if set):

tlmgr repository list

Motivation: This command allows you to view all the repositories that are currently configured in your TeX Live installation. It is useful to check if you have added any additional repositories or if there are any repositories that are no longer needed.

Explanation: This command lists all the configured repositories and their associated tags (if set). The output will display the repository name or URL, followed by the tag (if set) in square brackets.

Example Output:

repository1 [tag1]
repository2 [tag2]

List all packages available in a specific repository:

tlmgr repository list path|url|tag

Motivation: This command allows you to check the packages that are available in a specific repository. It is useful when you want to explore the available packages in a repository before installing or updating them.

Explanation: By providing the path, URL, or tag of a repository, this command will list all the packages available in that repository. The output will display the package names and their version numbers.

Example Output:

package1 1.0
package2 2.3

Add a new repository with a specific tag:

sudo tlmgr repository add path|url tag

Motivation: This command enables you to add a new repository to your TeX Live installation. Adding repositories allows you to access additional packages that are not included in the default repositories.

Explanation: By running this command with the path or URL of the repository and a tag (optional), you can add a new repository to your TeX Live installation. The tag can be used to identify or categorize the repository.


sudo tlmgr repository add testing

Remove a specific repository:

sudo tlmgr repository remove path|url|tag

Motivation: This command allows you to remove a specific repository from your TeX Live installation. If a repository becomes outdated or is no longer needed, you can remove it to keep the repository list clean and up to date.

Explanation: By running this command with the path, URL, or tag of the repository, you can remove the specified repository from your TeX Live installation.


sudo tlmgr repository remove

Set a new list of repositories, overwriting the previous list:

sudo tlmgr repository set path|url|tag#tag path|url|tag#tag ...

Motivation: This command allows you to set a new list of repositories for your TeX Live installation. It is useful when you want to replace the current list of repositories with a new set.

Explanation: By running this command with the paths, URLs, or tags of the repositories, you can set a new list of repositories for your TeX Live installation. Each repository is provided in the format path|url|tag#tag, and multiple repositories can be specified by separating them with spaces.


sudo tlmgr repository set /path/to/repository1 testing#tag1

Show the verification status of all configured repositories:

tlmgr repository status

Motivation: This command allows you to check the verification status of all the configured repositories. Verification ensures the integrity and authenticity of the packages and repositories, providing a level of trust in the packages being installed or updated.

Explanation: This command displays the verification status (whether verified or not) of all the configured repositories in your TeX Live installation. The output will show the repository name or URL, followed by the verification status in square brackets.

Example Output:

repository1 [verified]
repository2 [not verified]

By utilizing the “tlmgr repository” command and its various subcommands, you can effectively manage the repositories in your TeX Live installation. This flexibility allows you to explore and utilize additional packages, ensure the integrity of the repositories, and keep your TeX Live installation up to date.

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