How to Use the Command 'tmsu' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'tmsu' (with Examples)

TMSU is a simple yet powerful command-line tool that enables users to tag files with labels of their choosing. This tagging system can be a game-changer for file organization and retrieval, especially as files accumulate over time. By associating descriptive or categorical tags with files, users can create a dynamic system that allows for intuitive searching and categorization without altering the file’s location or name. Essentially, TMSU brings a sense of order to the chaos of extensive file collections, making information management a seamless process.

Use Case 1: Tag a Specific File with Multiple Tags


tmsu tag path/to/file.mp3 music big-jazz mp3


Imagine having a vast collection of music where each file is named unsystematically. While traditional folder-based organization could be cumbersome, tagging offers flexibility. By tagging file.mp3 with identifiers like music, big-jazz, and mp3, you can instantly locate this track in various contexts, whether you’re searching specifically for jazz music, music files in general, or looking for specific file types.


  • tmsu tag: The command initiates the tag operation in TMSU.
  • path/to/file.mp3: This is the file path of the specific file you wish to tag.
  • music big-jazz mp3: These are the tags you’re assigning to the file.
    • music categorizes the file as a music-related item.
    • big-jazz specifies the genre or a personal category you want to set.
    • mp3 identifies the file format type for easy retrieval based on format.

Example Output:

File 'file.mp3' has been tagged with 'music', 'big-jazz', 'mp3'.

Use Case 2: Tag Multiple Files


tmsu tag --tags "music mp3" *.mp3


Batch operations are often key to efficient data management. Let’s say you’ve downloaded an album with ten tracks. Instead of tagging each track individually, you can tag all .mp3 files in the current directory at once. This speeds up the organization process and ensures consistent tagging across your library.


  • tmsu tag: Engage the tagging command in TMSU for bulk operations.
  • --tags "music mp3": The --tags flag allows you to specify multiple tags to be applied to all subsequent files listed.
    • music: Tags the file grouping as music-related for your collection.
    • mp3: Indicates the file format, which can be useful for format-specific searches and conversions.
  • *.mp3: This wildcard selects all .mp3 files in the current directory.

Example Output:

Tagged files: 'track1.mp3', 'track2.mp3', ..., 'track10.mp3' with 'music', 'mp3'.

Use Case 3: List Tags of Specified File(s)


tmsu tags *.mp3


Understanding what tags you’ve applied to files can aid in refining your tagging system. By listing tags on files like .mp3 ones, you can check their categorization, ensure consistency, or identify untagged items, helping maintain an organized repository.


  • tmsu tags: This command is used to display the tags associated with one or more files.
  • *.mp3: This pattern matches all .mp3 files in the current directory for which the tags will be listed.

Example Output:

File: track1.mp3
Tags: music, jazz

File: track2.mp3
Tags: music, mp3

Use Case 4: List Files with Specified Tag(s)


tmsu files big-jazz music


When you need to locate files based on thematic or categorical relevance, searching by tags is invaluable. By using the big-jazz and music tags, you can retrieve all files that fit both categories. This is particularly useful when curating playlists or organizing content for presentations and projects.


  • tmsu files: Executes a file query based on the specified tags.
  • big-jazz music: This query searches for files tagged with both big-jazz and music.

Example Output:


Use Case 5: List Files with Tags Matching Boolean Expression


tmsu files "(year >= 1990 and year <= 2000) and grunge"


In large collections, nuanced searches can be critical. This command allows users to filter files matching specific conditions. Suppose you’re curating a list of grunge music from the 1990s. Employing a boolean expression like the one above can quickly pinpoint the exact files that meet your criteria without manually sifting through each file.


  • tmsu files: Invokes a search using the tag-based system.
  • "(year >= 1990 and year <= 2000) and grunge": This is a boolean expression that specifies conditions.
    • year >= 1990 and year <= 2000: This filter narrows results to files from the 1990s.
    • and grunge: Further refines the selection to grunge genre files from the specified time.

Example Output:


Use Case 6: Mount TMSU Virtual Filesystem to an Existing Directory


tmsu mount path/to/directory


A virtual filesystem provides a dynamic, tag-based view of your files, making it easier to interact with complex organizations of data without altering their physical structure. When TMSU mounts to a directory, it allows users to browse directories based on tags like genres, years, or any other labels they’ve defined, thus transforming how users access and manage their file systems.


  • tmsu mount: This command creates a virtual representation of your tagged files.
  • path/to/directory: The existing directory where the TMSU filesystem will be mounted. Navigating here will present a structured view organized by your tags and metadata.

Example Output:

TMSU virtual filesystem mounted at 'path/to/directory'.


TMSU provides a versatile and efficient layer for file management beyond traditional hierarchical methods. By allowing files to be categorized with flexible, user-defined tags, it enables users to establish complex relationships and retrieve files via simple, logical queries. As shown through these examples, TMSU’s functionality caters to diverse needs, from music enthusiasts managing extensive collections to developers organizing their project assets.

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