Managing Time Machine with 'tmutil' Command (with examples)

Managing Time Machine with 'tmutil' Command (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 17, 2024

The tmutil command is a versatile utility for managing Time Machine backups on macOS systems. Time Machine is Apple’s built-in backup feature that allows users to automatically back up their files to an external drive or network location. While the Time Machine graphical interface provides basic control for users, tmutil offers advanced options for setting up, managing, and controlling backups using the command line. This article explains various use cases of tmutil, illustrating how this command can be utilized to set backup destinations, manage backup processes, and control backup behavior.

Use case 1: Setting an HFS+ Drive as the Backup Destination


sudo tmutil setdestination path/to/disk_mount_point

Suppose you have an external drive formatted with the HFS+ file system and you wish to use it as your Time Machine backup destination. Using tmutil, you can set this drive as your backup location, ensuring that your data is safely backed up to a personal physical hardware device, possibly for extra security or availability without relying on network connections.


  • sudo: This command requires administrative privileges to change system settings related to backups.
  • tmutil: The command-line utility used for managing Time Machine backups.
  • setdestination: The verb used to specify what action should be taken, in this case, setting or changing the backup destination.
  • path/to/disk_mount_point: The file path where the HFS+ external drive is mounted on your system, which tells Time Machine where to store backup data.

Example output:
No direct output is provided, but the command will configure Time Machine to use the specified disk as its backup destination. In case of an error, relevant messages regarding permissions or path issues will be displayed.

Use case 2: Setting an AFP/SMB Share as the Backup Destination


sudo tmutil setdestination "protocol://user[:password]@host/share"

Network storage solutions are often used to mitigate the risk of hardware failure on localized machines. If a user prefers to back up to a network-attached storage device, they can use this command to specify an AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) or SMB (Server Message Block) share as their Time Machine backup destination. This enables centralized, potentially more secure storage, beneficial for collaborative or multi-user environments.


  • sudo: Grants the necessary permissions to make configuration changes.
  • tmutil: Signals the use of the Time Machine utility.
  • setdestination: Designates the action of establishing a new backup destination.
  • "protocol://user[:password]@host/share":
    • protocol: Typically either afp or smb, indicating the network file sharing protocol.
    • user[:password]: Credentials required to authenticate with the host, where the password might be optional.
    • host/share: The network location and path where the backup data will reside.

Example output:
Once executed, this command configures the Time Machine to use the specified network location for backups. Any authentication issues or network errors will be detailed in the terminal output.

Use case 3: Appending a Backup Destination


sudo tmutil setdestination -a destination

Consider a scenario where you have multiple available backup destinations, like rotating external drives or different network shares, and you wish to enable backups across these options without removing existing locations. tmutil allows users to append a new destination without overwriting current settings, offering redundancy and flexibility within backup configurations.


  • sudo: Required to alter backup destinations due to elevated permissions.
  • tmutil: Designates the use of the Time Machine managerial tool.
  • setdestination -a: Uses the -a flag to append, rather than replace, destinations.
  • destination: Refers to the path or network location added to the list of backup options for Time Machine.

Example output:
No immediate output confirms the addition, but any resulting errors such as permission issues will be displayed in the terminal.

Use case 4: Enabling Automatic Backups


sudo tmutil enable

If you’ve previously disabled automatic backups, you may desire to reinstate them to ensure continual data protection without manual intervention. Enabling automatic backups means Time Machine will manage scheduled backups in the background, preserving important updates and changes to your file system on a regular basis, crucial for preventing significant data loss.


  • sudo: Used to provide necessary access for altering backup settings.
  • tmutil: Indicates the use of the Time Machine control command.
  • enable: A command verb instructing Time Machine to start handling automatic backups as per its default schedule.

Example output:
The command reactivates automatic backups, providing no terminal feedback unless an issue arises with authorization or pre-existing configurations.

Use case 5: Disabling Automatic Backups


sudo tmutil disable

Sometimes, automatic backups might interfere with your computer’s performance or storage availability. In cases where manual control over backup timing and frequency is preferred, such as when dealing with limited resources or testing environments, disabling automatic backups grants users complete discretion over when backups should occur.


  • sudo: Allows the execution of system-level changes regarding backup scheduling.
  • tmutil: Specifies focusing control over Time Machine functionalities.
  • disable: Tells Time Machine to halt automated backup operations and waits for explicit backup instructions.

Example output:
When successfully executed, no change output appears, although permissions issues will force a terminal message.

Use case 6: Starting a Backup and Releasing Shell Control


sudo tmutil startbackup

On occasion, you might want to initiate a backup without waiting for automatic scheduling or dealing with system busy states. Using this command allows a backup to start without blocking the terminal, continuing as a background process so you can maintain your workflow uninterrupted.


  • sudo: Ensures necessary privileges for backup initiation.
  • tmutil: Indicates the utility in use for handling Time Machine tasks.
  • startbackup: Commands an immediate start of the backup process.

Example output:
The terminal becomes available immediately for further commands, while the backup operates in the background. Status updates during the operation can be monitored in the Time Machine system preference pane.

Use case 7: Starting a Backup and Blocking Until Completion


sudo tmutil startbackup -b

When thorough completion of a backup is required before additional tasks are performed or system changes applied, it can be beneficial to use this blocking command. You ensure the entire backup process finishes before proceeding, crucial when dealing with system maintenance or updates that depend on a recent backup state.


  • sudo: Complies with the administrative permission requirement for starting backups.
  • tmutil: Specifies interaction with Time Machine operations.
  • startbackup -b: Uses the -b flag to start and wait for backup completion, ensuring terminal and process concurrency is blocked until finished.

Example output:
The terminal interface becomes inactive, waiting until the Time Machine completes the current backup session. Feedback for completion or errors will be displayed upon conclusion.

Use case 8: Stopping an Ongoing Backup


sudo tmutil stopbackup

In circumstances where immediate cessation of ongoing backup activity is needed—perhaps due to unexpected performance impacts or prioritization of system resources stopping the backup can free up those resources quickly. Ensuring that backups don’t conflict with high-demand operations is essential for smooth system operation, particularly in constrained environments.


  • sudo: Grants the necessary authority to terminate Time Machine activities.
  • tmutil: Utilized to manage the process under Time Machine’s scope.
  • stopbackup: Directs the system to immediately halt ongoing backup processing, preserving status but no backup data in transit.

Example output:
Successfully stopping a backup provides no return message but halts the process. Any issues in connection or permissions triggering stop failure will resultantly print details to the terminal.


Understanding and leveraging the tmutil command can significantly enhance the efficiency and flexibility of managing Time Machine backups on macOS. From setting up new storage destinations to controlling the exact timing of backups, tmutil provides command line advantages that are particularly useful for users requiring tailored backup strategies beyond the default settings provided by macOS.

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