How to use the command 'tmuxinator' (with examples)

How to use the command 'tmuxinator' (with examples)

Tmuxinator is a command-line tool that helps in creating and managing tmux sessions easily. Tmuxinator allows you to define and organize your session configurations in YAML files, making it easier to start, stop, and manage tmux sessions.

Use case 1: Create a new project


tmuxinator new project

Motivation: Creating a new project using Tmuxinator is really simple and efficient. By using the ’new’ command, you can quickly generate a new project file with a default configuration, ready to be customized as per your requirements.


  • tmuxinator: This is the command to invoke Tmuxinator.
  • new: This subcommand is used to create a new project file.
  • project: Name of the project to be created. This will be the name of the YAML file representing the project configuration.

Example output: A new project file named project.yaml is created, which will serve as the configuration file for the project. This file can be edited to customize the session options and windows for the project.

Use case 2: Edit a project


tmuxinator edit project

Motivation: Tmuxinator provides an easy way to edit existing project configurations by using the ’edit’ command. This allows you to modify the session options, window layouts, and other settings without manually navigating to the project file.


  • tmuxinator: This is the command to invoke Tmuxinator.
  • edit: This subcommand is used to edit an existing project file.
  • project: Name of the project to be edited. This refers to the YAML file representing the project configuration.

Example output: The default editor specified in your system settings will open the project file in edit mode. You can make changes to the configuration, save, and exit the editor to apply the modifications to the project.

Use case 3: List projects


tmuxinator list

Motivation: The ’list’ command allows you to view a list of all the available Tmuxinator projects, making it easy to keep track of your session configurations. It provides a quick overview of the existing projects and their associated YAML files.


  • tmuxinator: This is the command to invoke Tmuxinator.
  • list: This subcommand outputs a list of all the available projects with their filenames.

Example output: The command will display a formatted list of all the projects you have created using Tmuxinator. Each project will be listed with its associated YAML file name.

Use case 4: Start a tmux session based on project


tmuxinator start project

Motivation: The main purpose of Tmuxinator is to simplify the process of starting and managing tmux sessions. By using the ‘start’ command, you can quickly start a tmux session based on a specific project configuration, saving you from manually setting up each session option and window layout.


  • tmuxinator: This is the command to invoke Tmuxinator.
  • start: This subcommand is used to start a tmux session.
  • project: Name of the project configuration to be used for starting the session.

Example output: A new tmux session will be started based on the project configuration specified. The windows and layouts defined in the project file will be applied to the session, providing a pre-defined environment for your work.

Use case 5: Stop a project’s tmux session


tmuxinator stop project

Motivation: When you’re done working on a specific project, it is important to stop the associated tmux session. The ‘stop’ command in Tmuxinator allows you to cleanly terminate the session, freeing up system resources and ensuring proper closure.


  • tmuxinator: This is the command to invoke Tmuxinator.
  • stop: This subcommand stops a tmux session associated with a project.
  • project: Name of the project for which the session needs to be stopped.

Example output: The tmux session, associated with the specified project, will be stopped, and all the windows and processes running within that session will be terminated.


Tmuxinator is a powerful tool that simplifies the management of tmux sessions. It allows for easy creation and customization of project configurations, making it efficient to start, stop, and edit sessions. The use examples provided above demonstrate how Tmuxinator can be leveraged for various scenarios and enhance your productivity in working with tmux.

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