How to manage tasks with 'todoist' from the command line (with examples)

How to manage tasks with 'todoist' from the command line (with examples)

Todoist is a versatile task management tool that allows users to keep track of their tasks and projects efficiently. Using the command-line interface for Todoist, we can manage our tasks without ever needing to open a browser. This capability is beneficial for those who prefer working with command-line tools or need to integrate Todoist into script-based workflows. Below, we explore a series of use cases demonstrating how to leverage the CLI for Todoist.

Use case 1: Adding a basic task


todoist add "task_name"


This example demonstrates the simplicity of adding a task with just a single command. It is particularly useful for quickly jotting down tasks as they come to mind, ensuring nothing is forgotten in the hustle of daily activities.


  • todoist: The command-line interface to interact with the Todoist application.
  • add: The subcommand that signals the intention to add a new task.
  • "task_name": The description or title of the task you wish to add to your Todoist task list.

Example output:

Task "task_name" added successfully!

Use case 2: Adding a high priority task with details


todoist add "task_name" --priority 1 --label-ids "label_id" --project-name "project_name" --date "tmr 9am"


This command illustrates the power of the Todoist CLI by allowing precise task creation. By setting a high priority, adding it to a specific project, labeling it, and assigning a due date, you can effectively organize tasks according to your workflow, ensuring high-level tasks are dealt with promptly.


  • todoist add "task_name": Initiates the addition of a new task.
  • --priority 1: Sets the task to the highest priority level, ensuring it appears at the top of your task list.
  • --label-ids "label_id": Assigns a specific label ID to the task, facilitating organized categorization.
  • --project-name "project_name": Associates the task with a specific project, helping to compartmentalize different areas of responsibility.
  • --date "tmr 9am": Specifies the due date and time, ensuring the task is visible in your schedule and deadlines are met.

Example output:

High priority task "task_name" added to project "project_name" with label "label_id" and due date "tomorrow at 9am".

Use case 3: Quickly adding a detailed high priority task


todoist quick '#project_name "tmr 9am" p1 task_name @label_name'


For users who prefer or require a rapid workflow, the quick mode reduces the steps taken to add a complex task. It’s perfect for moments when efficiency is key, enabling task creation with all necessary details in one streamlined command.


  • todoist quick: Initializes quick mode for task creation.
  • #project_name: Directly assigns the task to the specified project.
  • "tmr 9am": Sets the due date and time succinctly using a natural language input.
  • p1: Shorthand notation for setting the task’s priority to the highest level.
  • task_name: The task’s title or name.
  • @label_name: Applies a label to the task for better organization and filtering.

Example output:

High priority task "task_name" added quickly to project "project_name" with label "@label_name", due tomorrow at 9am.

Use case 4: Listing all tasks with enhancements


todoist --header --color list


This command is practical for those who want an aesthetically pleasing overview of their tasks. By enhancing the list with headers and color, readability is significantly improved, aiding both cognitive processing and enjoyment in task management.


  • todoist: The core command to trigger the Todoist CLI.
  • --header: Adds headers to the task list, providing spatial separation for better readability.
  • --color: Applies color coding to the list, which can help distinguish between different types of tasks or statuses.
  • list: The action that displays all tasks currently in the Todoist account.

Example output:

Task List (with color)
• [High Priority] Task 1 (red)
• Task 2 (blue)
• Task 3 (green)

Use case 5: Filtering and listing high priority tasks


todoist list --filter p1


When managing long task lists, filtering becomes crucial to maintain focus. This command targets high-priority tasks, ensuring that critical actions are highlighted and addressed promptly. This is essential for professionals managing multiple high-stakes projects simultaneously.


  • todoist list: Initializes a request to display tasks.
  • --filter p1: Configures the list to display only tasks with a priority level of 1, enabling quick identification of urgent tasks.

Example output:

High Priority Tasks:
- Task 1
- Task 2

Use case 6: Listing today’s high priority tasks with a label


todoist list --filter '(@label_name | today) & p1'


This advanced filtering command is geared towards users who need to focus on tasks due today that carry specific tags, alongside a high priority level. It’s ideal for precise daily planning, allowing users to pinpoint exactly what needs urgent attention.


  • todoist list: Initiates a task display process.
  • --filter '(@label_name | today) & p1': The filter expression combines tasks labeled @label_name or those due today and filters them further to show only high-priority tasks, providing a customized list of crucial daily activities.

Example output:

Today's Priority Tasks with label @label_name:
- Task A
- Task B


Using Todoist from the command line opens many possibilities for efficiently managing tasks without any graphical user interface. Each command use case described here demonstrates how to perform different operations using Todoist CLI. Whether jotting down a simple task or dealing with complex prioritizations and filtering, the command-line tool can fit seamlessly into diverse workflows, all while maintaining an organized, hierarchy-driven, and streamlined task management system.

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