How to use the command 'toilet' (with examples)

How to use the command 'toilet' (with examples)

The ’toilet’ command is a unique and intriguing utility that allows users to create stylized text through ASCII art. This tool is particularly advantageous for individuals interested in adding a creative touch to their terminal outputs or personalizing text for creative projects. ‘Toilet’ can display the text using various fonts, filters, and customizations, opening a wide array of possibilities for ASCII art enthusiasts.

Use case 1: Generate ASCII art for a given text


toilet input_text


The primary and most straightforward use of the ’toilet’ command is to convert simple text into visually appealing ASCII art. This is useful for those who wish to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their text-based presentations, documentation, or simply want a fun way to display messages in the command line. ASCII art can add personality and flair to otherwise mundane text, making it more engaging.


  • toilet: The command itself, which initiates the ASCII art generation.
  • input_text: The text you want to transform into ASCII art. This could be any phrase or word you desire to display as ASCII art.

Example Output:

If input_text is “Hello”, the ASCII art output might look something like:

 _   _      _ _       
| | | | ___| | | ___  
| |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \ 
|  _  |  __/ | | (_) |
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/ 

Use case 2: Generate ASCII art using a custom font file


toilet input_text -f font_filename


Using a custom font file allows users to have greater control over the aesthetic presentation of their ASCII art. This is particularly beneficial for artistic projects, where certain styles or fonts could cater better to themes or personal preferences. It grants the user a canvas of creativity that extends beyond the default ASCII art styles.


  • toilet: The command to produce ASCII art.
  • input_text: The string or text you want to be represented in ASCII art.
  • -f: A flag that specifies the use of a particular font file.
  • font_filename: The name of the font file you would like to apply. This file should be accessible and formatted in a way recognizable by the ’toilet’ utility.

Example Output:

Assuming input_text is “Art” and a gothic font file is used, the output might resemble:

   _    _             
  / \  | | __ _ _ __  
 / _ \ | |/ _` | '_ \ 
/ ___ \| | (_| | | | |
/_/   \_\_|\__,_|_| |_|

Use case 3: Generate ASCII art using a filter


toilet input_text --filter filter_name


Filters provide a further dimension of customization to ASCII art by altering the visual effects and aesthetics. This use case is helpful for those seeking to add special effects or need to adjust the appearance of their text for different design contexts, such as darker themes or intricate displays.


  • toilet: Commands the terminal to produce ASCII-style text.
  • input_text: The desired text to convert into ASCII art.
  • --filter: Specifies the use of a particular filter for the ASCII art.
  • filter_name: The name of the filter you want to apply. Available filters can modify the appearance to match specific design requirements or artistic preferences.

Example Output:

If input_text is “Filter” and a ‘metal’ filter is available and applied, it might result in a shiny, metallic effect:

  _____ _ _ _           
 |  ___(_) |_| ___  ___ 
 | |_  | | __|/ _ \/ _ \
 |  _| | | |_|  __/  __/
 |_|   |_|\__|\___|\___|

Use case 4: Show available toilet filters


toilet --filter list


Before applying any filters, one needs to know the available options. Listing available filters helps users make informed choices by providing a view of all artistic modifications that can be applied. Knowing your options maximizes utility and benefit from the ’toilet’ command capabilities.


  • toilet: Initiates the ASCII art tool.
  • --filter: The command to specify actions related to filters.
  • list: A command argument to display all filters that can be used with ’toilet’ for ASCII art generation.

Example Output:

An execution might generate a list like the following, depending on installed options:

Available filters:

These filters provide various aesthetic changes to the basic ASCII art, allowing customization suitable to the user’s style or requirements.


The ’toilet’ command is a versatile tool for creating ASCII art with text in a variety of styles and effects. Whether users want straightforward text art, unique font styles, intriguing visual filters, or simply want to explore available modifications, ’toilet’ offers abundant opportunities for creative expression in terminal environments.

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