How to use the command 'toolbox init-container' (with examples)

How to use the command 'toolbox init-container' (with examples)

This article provides examples of how to use the ’toolbox init-container’ command.


The ’toolbox init-container’ command is used to initialize a running ’toolbox’ container. It is important to note that this command should not be executed by the user and cannot be run on the host. More information about this command can be found at .

Use case 1: Initialize a running toolbox


toolbox init-container --gid gid --home home --home-link --media-link --mnt-link --monitor-host --shell shell --uid uid --user user


The motivation for using this example is to initialize a running ’toolbox’ container with specific configurations.


  • --gid gid: Specifies the group ID for user/group name resolution within the container.
  • --home home: Sets the home directory for the container.
  • --home-link: Creates a symlink from the toolbox container’s home directory to the actual home directory on the host.
  • --media-link: Creates a symlink from the toolbox container’s /media directory to the actual /media directory on the host.
  • --mnt-link: Creates a symlink from the toolbox container’s /mnt directory to the actual /mnt directory on the host.
  • --monitor-host: Mounts the host’s /var/lib/toolbox directory into the container, which can be used to monitor the host system.
  • --shell shell: Specifies the default shell for the container.
  • --uid uid: Specifies the user ID for user/group name resolution within the container.
  • --user user: Sets the username for the container.

Example output:

The output would depend on the specific configurations provided. For example, if the command is executed with the following arguments:

toolbox init-container --gid 1000 --home /home/user --home-link --media-link --mnt-link --monitor-host --shell /bin/bash --uid 1000 --user user

The output could be:

Initialized toolbox container with the following configurations:
- Group ID: 1000
- Home directory: /home/user
- Home symlink created
- Media symlink created
- Mnt symlink created
- Monitor host enabled
- Default shell: /bin/bash
- User ID: 1000
- Username: user


The ’toolbox init-container’ command is a powerful tool for initializing a running ’toolbox’ container with specific configurations. It allows users to customize the container’s environment according to their needs and preferences.

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