How to use the command 'topgrade' (with examples)

How to use the command 'topgrade' (with examples)

The ’topgrade’ command is a tool used to update all applications on a system. It is a convenient way to keep all installed software up to date and ensure that the latest security patches and bug fixes are applied.

Use case 1: Run updates




Running the ’topgrade’ command without any arguments will update all applications on the system. This is useful when you want to quickly update all installed software without having to specify each application individually.


No additional arguments are needed for this use case. The ’topgrade’ command will automatically detect all installed applications on the system and update them.

Example output:

Updating application 1... Done.
Updating application 2... Done.
Updating application 3... Done.

Use case 2: Say yes to all updates


topgrade -y


When there are multiple updates available, the ’topgrade’ command will prompt for confirmation before performing each update. This can be time-consuming if you have a large number of updates. By using the ‘-y’ option, the command will automatically say yes to all updates without requiring manual confirmation.


The ‘-y’ option is used to automatically say yes to all updates. This is useful when you want to perform updates in an unattended manner or when you want to automate the update process.

Example output:

Updating application 1... Done.
Updating application 2... Done.
Updating application 3... Done.

Use case 3: Cleanup temporary/old files


topgrade -c


Over time, temporary and old files can accumulate on a system as a result of software updates. These files can take up valuable disk space and should be removed periodically. The ‘-c’ option in the ’topgrade’ command allows you to easily clean up these files.


The ‘-c’ option is used to cleanup temporary/old files. When this option is used, the ’topgrade’ command will remove any unnecessary files that are no longer needed after the update process.

Example output:

Cleaning up temporary files... Done.
Cleaning up old update files... Done.

Use case 4: Disable a certain update operation


topgrade --disable operation


There may be certain update operations that you want to exclude from the update process. This could be because the updates are known to cause issues or conflicts with other software on your system. The ‘–disable’ option in the ’topgrade’ command allows you to disable specific update operations.


The ‘–disable’ option is used to disable a certain update operation. You need to specify the operation that you want to disable as an argument. This is useful when you want to prevent certain updates from being performed.

Example output:

Disabling operation... Done.

Use case 5: Only perform a certain update operation


topgrade --only operation


In some cases, you may only want to perform a specific update operation and exclude all others. This could be because you want to prioritize a certain update or because you are experiencing issues after a recent update. The ‘–only’ option in the ’topgrade’ command allows you to perform only a specific update operation.


The ‘–only’ option is used to perform only a certain update operation. You need to specify the operation that you want to perform as an argument. This is useful when you want to focus on a specific update or troubleshoot issues related to a recent update.

Example output:

Performing operation... Done.

Use case 6: Edit the config file with default editor


topgrade --edit-config


The ’topgrade’ command allows you to customize its behavior by modifying the configuration file. The ‘–edit-config’ option provides a convenient way to open the config file in the default editor and make any necessary changes.


The ‘–edit-config’ option is used to open the config file with the default editor. This is useful when you want to modify the configuration settings of the ’topgrade’ command.

Example output:

Opening config file with default editor... Done.


The ’topgrade’ command is a powerful tool for updating all applications on a system. It provides several options to customize the update process, such as automatically saying yes to all updates, cleaning up temporary/old files, disabling or performing specific update operations, and editing the config file. By using these examples, you can efficiently update your software and maintain a secure and up-to-date system.

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