How to use the command 'topydo' (with examples)

How to use the command 'topydo' (with examples)

The ’topydo’ command is a to-do list application that uses the todo.txt format. It provides a simple and convenient way to manage your tasks and organize them by projects and contexts. With ’topydo’, you can easily add, modify, and track your to-dos using a straightforward command line interface.

Use case 1: Add a to-do to a specific project with a given context


topydo add "todo_message +project_name @context_name"


When you have multiple projects with different contexts, it is essential to keep your tasks well-organized. By adding a to-do to a specific project with a given context, you can easily categorize and filter your tasks based on your project and context requirements.


  • “todo_message”: Specifies the message or description of the to-do task.
  • “+project_name”: Adds the to-do to a specific project. Replace “project_name” with the name of your desired project.
  • “@context_name”: Assigns a context to the to-do. Replace “context_name” with the name of your desired context.

Example output:

The command topydo add "Pay bills +Home @Important" will add a to-do with the message “Pay bills” to the project “Home” and assign it the context “Important”.

Use case 2: Add a to-do with a due date of tomorrow with a priority of ‘A’


topydo add "(A) todo_message due:1d"


Setting due dates and priorities for your to-dos helps you manage your tasks effectively. By setting a due date of tomorrow with a priority of ‘A’, you can prioritize and ensure that your important tasks are completed in a timely manner.


  • “(A)”: Specifies the priority of the to-do task. ‘A’ represents the highest priority, followed by ‘B’, ‘C’, and so on.
  • “todo_message”: Specifies the message or description of the to-do task.
  • “due:1d”: Sets the due date to tomorrow.

Example output:

The command topydo add "(A) Submit report due:1d" will add a to-do with the message “Submit report” with a priority of ‘A’ and a due date of tomorrow.

Use case 3: Add a to-do with a due date of Friday


topydo add "todo_message due:fri"


Specifying a due date for a to-do task is essential to stay organized and meet deadlines. By setting a due date of “Friday” for a task, you can plan and allocate time accordingly to complete it on or before the specified date.


  • “todo_message”: Specifies the message or description of the to-do task.
  • “due:fri”: Sets the due date to the next upcoming Friday.

Example output:

The command topydo add "Finish presentation due:fri" will add a to-do with the message “Finish presentation” and a due date of the next upcoming Friday.

Use case 4: Add a non-strict repeating to-do


topydo add "water flowers due:mon rec:1w"


Creating repeating or recurring tasks is beneficial to ensure that you remember to perform them regularly or at specific intervals. By adding a non-strict repeating to-do, you can automate the creation of recurring tasks with a defined frequency.


  • “water flowers”: Specifies the task to be repeated.
  • “due:mon”: Sets the initial due date to the next upcoming Monday.
  • “rec:1w”: Sets the task to repeat every week.

Example output:

The command topydo add "Water plants due:mon rec:1w" will add a to-do with the message “Water plants” and a due date of the next upcoming Monday. The task will repeat every week.

Use case 5: Add a strict repeating to-do


topydo add "todo_message due:2020-01-01 rec:+1m"


Certain tasks may have strict intervals for repetition. By specifying a strict repeating to-do, you can ensure that the task is repeated at specific intervals, such as every month, regardless of the completion status of the previous occurrence.


  • “todo_message”: Specifies the message or description of the to-do task.
  • “due:2020-01-01”: Sets the initial due date to a specific date (e.g., January 1, 2020).
  • “rec:+1m”: Sets the task to repeat every month, starting from the initial due date.

Example output:

The command topydo add "Review budget due:2020-01-01 rec:+1m" will add a to-do with the message “Review budget” and an initial due date of January 1, 2020. The task will repeat every month.

Use case 6: Revert the last ’topydo’ command executed


topydo revert


Mistakes happen, and sometimes you might accidentally execute a command or modify a to-do incorrectly. The ’topydo’ command provides a convenient and quick way to revert the last executed command, allowing you to undo any unintended changes.

Example output:

The command topydo revert will revert the last ’topydo’ command executed, undoing any modifications made.


The ’topydo’ command is a versatile and powerful to-do list application that simplifies task management. With its intuitive command line interface and support for the todo.txt format, you can easily add, modify, and track your tasks with various options such as setting due dates, priorities, projects, and contexts. Take advantage of the ’topydo’ command to stay organized, meet your deadlines, and boost your productivity.

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