How to use the command 'trans' (with examples)

How to use the command 'trans' (with examples)

Translate Shell is a command-line translator that allows you to easily translate words or sentences from one language to another. It can automatically detect the language of the input text or you can specify the source and target languages manually. With the trans command, you can quickly get translations without leaving the command-line interface.

Use case 1: Translate a word (language is detected automatically)


trans "word_or_sentence_to_translate"

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you come across a word or sentence in a foreign language and want to quickly know its translation.

Explanation: The trans command is followed by the word or sentence you want to translate in quotes. By default, the language of the input text will be detected automatically.

Example OUTPUT:

trans "hello"


Translation of hello (Auto-detected -> English):
hello # (greeting)

Use case 2: Get a brief translation


trans --brief "word_or_sentence_to_translate"

Motivation: You may only be interested in the translation itself without the additional information.

Explanation: The --brief flag is used to get a brief translation without any additional information or examples of the usage of the word.

Example OUTPUT:

trans --brief "hello"



Use case 3: Translate a word into french


trans :fr word

Motivation: You want to translate a word to a specific language, in this case, French.

Explanation: The :fr part in the command specifies the target language. In this example, it is French. The word you want to translate follows this language specification.

Example OUTPUT:

trans :fr hello


Translation of hello (English -> French):
bonjour # (greeting)

Use case 4: Translate a word from German to English


trans de:en Schmetterling

Motivation: You want to translate a German word to English.

Explanation: The de:en part in the command specifies the source language (German) and the target language (English). The word you want to translate follows this language specification.

Example OUTPUT:

trans de:en Schmetterling


Translation of Schmetterling (German -> English):
butterfly # (animal)

Use case 5: Behave like a dictionary to get the meaning of a word


trans -d word

Motivation: You want to use trans as a dictionary to get the meaning of a word.

Explanation: The -d flag is used to make trans behave like a dictionary. Instead of providing a translation, it will provide the meaning and definition of the word.

Example OUTPUT:

trans -d hello


Definition of hello:
 1. (Interjection) A greeting (salutation) said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence.
 2. (Noun) The greeting or calling of "hello".


Translate Shell (trans) is a powerful command-line tool for quick translation of words or sentences. With the ability to detect language automatically and support for multiple target languages, it offers a convenient way to get translations without leaving the command-line interface. Additionally, it can also act as a dictionary to provide meanings and definitions of words.

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