How to use the command `transmission-create` (with examples)

How to use the command `transmission-create` (with examples)

The transmission-create command is used to create BitTorrent .torrent files. It allows users to generate torrents for sharing files or directories using the BitTorrent protocol. By creating a .torrent file, users can distribute their content more efficiently and enable others to download it using a BitTorrent client.

Use case 1: Create a torrent with 2048 KB as the piece size


transmission-create -o path/to/example.torrent --tracker tracker_announce_url --piecesize 2048 path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Specifying a specific piece size is useful in scenarios where the default piece size does not meet the requirements. By setting the piece size to 2048 KB, the resulting torrent file will have larger pieces, potentially improving download and upload speeds.


  • -o path/to/example.torrent: Specifies the output path and filename for the generated torrent file.
  • --tracker tracker_announce_url: Specifies the URL of the tracker server to include in the torrent file.
  • --piecesize 2048: Sets the size of torrent pieces in kilobytes.
  • path/to/file_or_directory: Specifies the file or directory to be included in the torrent.

Example output: The transmission-create command will generate the example.torrent file in the path/to directory. This torrent file will include the specified tracker announce URL and use a piece size of 2048 KB.

Use case 2: Create a private torrent with a 2048 KB piece size


transmission-create -p -o path/to/example.torrent --tracker tracker_announce_url --piecesize 2048 path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Creating a private torrent restricts access to only those who have been granted the torrent file or access to the tracker. This can be useful for sharing sensitive or exclusive content with a limited audience.


  • -p: Sets the torrent as private, meaning that it will not allow connections from peers who do not have the torrent file or access to the tracker.
  • -o path/to/example.torrent: Specifies the output path and filename for the generated torrent file.
  • --tracker tracker_announce_url: Specifies the URL of the tracker server to include in the torrent file.
  • --piecesize 2048: Sets the size of torrent pieces in kilobytes.
  • path/to/file_or_directory: Specifies the file or directory to be included in the torrent.

Example output: The transmission-create command will generate a private torrent file named example.torrent in the path/to directory. This torrent will use a piece size of 2048 KB and only allow connections from authorized peers.

Use case 3: Create a torrent with a comment


transmission-create -o path/to/example.torrent --tracker tracker_url1 -c comment path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Including a comment in a torrent file can provide additional information or instructions to users downloading it. This can be helpful for indicating the original source, version, or any special instructions related to the content being shared.


  • -o path/to/example.torrent: Specifies the output path and filename for the generated torrent file.
  • --tracker tracker_url1: Specifies the URL of the tracker server to include in the torrent file.
  • -c comment: Adds a comment to the torrent file, providing additional information to users.
  • path/to/file_or_directory: Specifies the file or directory to be included in the torrent.

Example output: The transmission-create command will create a torrent file named example.torrent in the path/to directory. This torrent will include the specified tracker URL and contain the provided comment.

Use case 4: Create a torrent with multiple trackers


transmission-create -o path/to/example.torrent --tracker tracker_url1 --tracker tracker_url2 path/to/file_or_directory

Motivation: Including multiple trackers in a torrent file can enhance the availability and redundancy of the torrent. By connecting to multiple trackers, users downloading the torrent have a better chance of finding active peers and downloading the content more efficiently.


  • -o path/to/example.torrent: Specifies the output path and filename for the generated torrent file.
  • --tracker tracker_url1 --tracker tracker_url2: Specifies multiple tracker URLs to include in the torrent file.
  • path/to/file_or_directory: Specifies the file or directory to be included in the torrent.

Example output: The transmission-create command will generate a torrent file named example.torrent in the path/to directory. This torrent file will include the specified tracker URLs, allowing users to connect to multiple trackers and improve the download experience.

Use case 5: Show help page


transmission-create --help

Motivation: The --help option is useful when users need to quickly review the available command options, flags, and their descriptions. It provides a concise summary of the transmission-create command’s usage, making it easier to understand and utilize the available functionality.


  • --help: Displays the help page for the transmission-create command, providing information about available options and their usage.

Example output: Executing the transmission-create --help command will print the help page for transmission-create. This output will include a detailed description of the command’s purpose, available options, and proper usage instructions.


The transmission-create command is a versatile tool for creating BitTorrent .torrent files. With its various options, users can customize their generated torrents to meet specific needs, such as setting a desired piece size, creating private torrents, or including comments and multiple trackers. Understanding and utilizing the command’s capabilities allows users to effectively share and distribute content using the BitTorrent protocol.

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