How to use the command 'transmission-edit' (with examples)

How to use the command 'transmission-edit' (with examples)

This article provides instructions on how to use the transmission-edit command, which is used to modify announce URLs in torrent files. The transmission-edit command allows users to add or remove URLs from a torrent’s announce list, as well as update a tracker’s passcode in a torrent file.

Use case 1: Adding or removing a URL from a torrent’s announce list


transmission-edit --add|delete path/to/file.torrent


A user may want to add or remove a URL from a torrent’s announce list to change the trackers that the torrent file is associated with. This can be useful for improving download speeds or accessing different sources for the file.


  • --add|delete: This argument is used to specify whether the URL should be added or removed from the torrent’s announce list. Use --add to add a URL and --delete to remove a URL.
  • This is the URL that will be added or removed from the announce list.
  • path/to/file.torrent: This is the path to the torrent file that will be modified.

Example output:

If the user wants to add the URL “ ” to the announce list of the “file.torrent” file, they can use the following command:

transmission-edit --add file.torrent

The output will be:

Successfully added to the announce list of file.torrent.

Use case 2: Updating a tracker’s passcode in a torrent file


transmission-edit --replace old-passcode new-passcode path/to/file.torrent


Sometimes, the passcode for a tracker in a torrent file may expire or need to be updated. In such cases, users can utilize the transmission-edit command to replace the old passcode with a new one to ensure continued access to the tracker.


  • --replace: This argument is used to indicate that the old passcode should be replaced with a new one.
  • old-passcode: This is the passcode that will be replaced.
  • new-passcode: This is the new passcode that will replace the old one.
  • path/to/file.torrent: This is the path to the torrent file that will be modified.

Example output:

Suppose the user wants to update the passcode from “old123” to “new456” in the “file.torrent” file. The following command can be used:

transmission-edit --replace old123 new456 file.torrent

The output will be:

Successfully updated the passcode from old123 to new456 in file.torrent.


The transmission-edit command is a powerful tool for modifying announce URLs and tracker passcodes in torrent files. By using the provided examples, users can easily add or remove URLs from a torrent’s announce list and update tracker passcodes to optimize their downloading experience.

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