How to use the command 'trash-cli' (with examples)

How to use the command 'trash-cli' (with examples)

The trash-cli command is a command-line tool that provides a convenient interface for managing files and directories by moving them to the system’s trash or recycle bin instead of immediately deleting them. This is akin to moving files to the trash in a graphical user interface, providing an extra layer of protection against accidental deletions. The command can be particularly helpful in scripts or for users who spend a lot of time in terminal environments and need a safer alternative to the rm command.

Use case 1: View documentation for the original command


tldr trash


Accessing concise documentation quickly is exceptionally useful for both beginners and advanced users who need a refresher on command syntax and options without sifting through lengthy manual pages. The tldr stands for “Too Long; Didn’t Read,” and it provides simplified and digestible examples of command usages.


  • tldr: This command fetches and displays simplified and community-driven manual pages for various programs and commands directly in the terminal. It is especially handy for users who prefer not to dive into more verbose documentation that is accessed by the man command.

  • trash: This is the argument indicating that the user wants to fetch the tldr page for the trash command. It tells tldr to search for documentation examples related to this specific command.

Example Output:

When you execute the command, you might see something similar to:


Move files or directories to the trash.

- Trash a file or directory:

  trash path/to/file_or_directory

- Trash multiple files or directories:

  trash path/to/file1 path/to/file2 path/to/directory1

- List trashed items:


- Restore a trashed file to its original location:


- Empty the trash:



The trash-cli command offers a safe and accessible way of disposing of files using the terminal, mimicking the functionality of a graphical trash or recycle bin. It serves as a robust safeguard for command-line operations, reducing the risk of irreversible deletion errors. Complementing its use, commands like tldr can provide user-friendly documentation, ensuring users can quickly learn or recall how to use trash-cli effectively. Embracing these tools enhances productivity and security when managing files in a terminal-based workflow.

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