How to use the command 'trayer' (with examples)

How to use the command 'trayer' (with examples)

The ’trayer’ command is a lightweight GTK-2 based systray that allows users to easily access and manage various applications and services. It provides a small panel that sits on the edge of the screen and contains icons for different programs or utilities. Users can customize the appearance and behavior of the panel using various options provided by the ’trayer’ command.

Use case 1: Running the ’trayer’ command



Motivation: The motivation for running the ’trayer’ command is to launch the systray panel and start using it to access and manage applications and services conveniently.

Explanation: This command starts the ’trayer’ systray panel with default settings.

Example output: The ’trayer’ systray panel is launched and displayed on the screen.

Use case 2: Positioning the ’trayer’ panel to a specific edge


trayer --edge left|right|top|bottom

Motivation: The motivation for positioning the ’trayer’ panel to a specific edge is to customize its location on the screen according to personal preference or to improve the overall layout and usability of the desktop environment.

Explanation: This command allows the user to specify which edge of the screen the ’trayer’ panel should be located on. The available options are ’left’, ‘right’, ’top’, and ‘bottom’.

Example output: The ’trayer’ panel is displayed on the specified side of the screen.

Use case 3: Providing a specific height and width for the ’trayer’ panel


trayer --width 10 --height 32

Motivation: The motivation for providing a specific height and width for the ’trayer’ panel is to adjust its size according to personal preference or to accommodate the number of icons or information displayed in the panel.

Explanation: This command allows the user to set a specific width and height for the ’trayer’ panel in pixels. The provided values determine the dimensions of the panel on the screen.

Example output: The ’trayer’ panel is displayed with the specified dimensions.

Use case 4: Providing the width of the ’trayer’ panel in pixels or percentages


trayer --widthtype pixel|percent --width 72

Motivation: The motivation for providing the width of the ’trayer’ panel in pixels or percentages is to have more control over its size and ensure that it fits well with the overall layout of the desktop environment.

Explanation: This command allows the user to specify whether the width provided for the ’trayer’ panel should be interpreted as pixels or a percentage of the screen width. The available options for ‘widthtype’ are ‘pixel’ and ‘percent’.

Example output: The ’trayer’ panel is displayed with the specified width.

Use case 5: Aligning the ’trayer’ panel to a specific direction


trayer --align left|center|right

Motivation: The motivation for aligning the ’trayer’ panel to a specific direction is to adjust its position within the assigned edge and fine-tune its alignment with the other elements on the screen.

Explanation: This command allows the user to specify the alignment of the ’trayer’ panel within the assigned edge. The available options are ’left’, ‘center’, and ‘right’.

Example output: The ’trayer’ panel is aligned to the specified direction within the assigned edge.

Use case 6: Providing spacing between icons in the ’trayer’ panel


trayer --iconspacing 10

Motivation: The motivation for providing spacing between icons in the ’trayer’ panel is to enhance the visual appearance and readability of the panel, especially when there are multiple icons displayed.

Explanation: This command allows the user to set a specific spacing (in pixels) between icons in the ’trayer’ panel. The provided value determines the distance between adjacent icons.

Example output: The icons in the ’trayer’ panel are displayed with the specified spacing.


The ’trayer’ command provides users with a lightweight and customizable GTK-2 based systray panel. By utilizing various options, users can adjust the position, size, alignment, and spacing of the panel to best suit their needs and preferences. This enhances the overall usability and aesthetics of the desktop environment.

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